Total Protection


Total Protection offers a comprehensive AI-powered cybersecurity solution for businesses, ensuring total protection, threat prevention, data security, and remote work security. Leveraging innovative technologies, Total Protection keeps businesses one step ahead of cyber threats. Website:

Secure access to the web and cloud apps
Detect and mitigate threats with ease
Advanced data protection
Secure remote workers

What is Total Protection?

Total Protection offers a comprehensive cybersecurity solution powered by AI to empower and secure every user and every action. With Total Protection, businesses can embrace simple total protection with one integrated cloud platform, ensuring that all aspects of their digital presence are safeguarded against cyber threats.

Total Protection's platform provides secure access to the web and cloud apps without the need for a proxy, enabling fast, reliable, and safe access from any device or location. With patented technology like the Action Risk Methodology, Total Protection ensures zero blind spots in its security measures, giving businesses peace of mind.

Total Protection goes beyond just basic protection by offering advanced threat prevention capabilities that can detect and mitigate threats with ease. By leveraging world-class intelligence feeds and innovative technologies like the patented LinkScan technology, Total Protection ensures that businesses are always one step ahead of cyber threats.

In addition to threat prevention, Total Protection also focuses on advanced data protection, keeping sensitive data secure and maintaining the reputation of businesses. The platform integrates data loss prevention throughout, ensuring that data stays where it's meant to be. Total Protection is the ultimate solution for businesses looking to secure their digital assets.

With the shift towards remote work, Total Protection offers a secure solution for remote workers that goes beyond traditional VPNs. By enabling secure user access to applications, data, and content without compromising visibility or control, Total Protection ensures that businesses can embrace remote work without sacrificing security.

Powered by AI, Total Protection leverages intelligence about user activity, devices, content, and other entities to deliver next-gen security that can adapt to evolving cyber threats. By joining the Total Protection community, businesses can experience the power of AI-powered cybersecurity firsthand and stay protected from all cyber-attacks.

Total Protection Features

Secure access to the web and cloud apps

The Secure access feature of Total Protection allows users to access web and cloud applications in a fast, reliable, and safe manner from any device or location. This unique proxy-less architecture enables seamless deployment and protection within minutes.
  • Total Protection employs a patented Action Risk Methodology to ensure zero blind spots in the security framework.
  • Unified policies are applied across all channels for consistent security measures.
  • The platform guarantees 100% uptime with no planned downtime, offering non-stop monitoring and visibility.
  • It utilizes patented LinkScan technology for cloud-native scalability.

Detect and mitigate threats with ease

Total Protection excels in detecting and mitigating threats effortlessly through its advanced threat prevention capabilities. The platform is equipped with world-class intelligence feeds to proactively identify and shut down threats before they materialize.
  • Utilizes cutting-edge intelligence feeds to anticipate and respond to potential threats effectively.
  • Ensures 100% uptime with continuous monitoring and centralized visibility.
  • Implements non-stop monitoring and visibility for threat detection and mitigation.
  • Utilizes a unified policy approach across all channels to streamline threat management.

Advanced data protection

Total Protection offers advanced data protection capabilities to keep sensitive data secure and maintain organizational reputation. The platform integrates data loss prevention measures throughout the system to prevent unauthorized data breaches.
  • Implements data loss prevention measures throughout the platform to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Ensures data remains secure and confidential, reducing the risk of data leaks.
  • Helps organizations maintain compliance with data protection regulations and avoid potential fines or penalties.
  • Integrates encryption and access controls to protect data at rest and in transit.

Secure remote workers

Total Protection revolutionizes remote work security by offering a secure solution for enabling remote access to applications, data, and content. By replacing traditional VPNs, the platform ensures secure user access without compromising visibility or control.
  • Enables secure user access to applications, data, and content without the limitations of traditional VPNs.
  • Maintains visibility and control over remote workers' activities for enhanced security.
  • Simplifies remote access management while ensuring data security and confidentiality.
  • Provides a seamless and secure user experience for remote workers.

How to Use Total Protection?

Step 1: Getting Started with Total Protection
  • Go to the Total Protection homepage.
  • Click on the 'Get Started' button located prominently on the homepage.
  • Follow the prompts to create an account or log in if you already have an account.
Step 2: Requesting a Demo
  • From the Total Protection homepage, click on 'Request a Demo' in the top navigation bar.
  • Fill out the 'Contact Information' section with your first name, last name, phone number, and email address.
  • Provide details about your company in the 'Company Information' section, including company name and number of employees.
  • Select your country from the provided dropdown list.
  • Choose the module(s) you are interested in from the 'Product of Interest' section.
  • Click on the 'Submit' button to send your demo request.
Step 3: Navigating the Dashboard
  • Log in to your Total Protection account.
  • Upon login, you will be presented with the dashboard which provides access to various security modules and settings.
  • Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the dashboard such as 'Web Security', 'Email Security', 'Cloud Application Security', 'Data Loss Prevention', and more.
  • Use the sidebar on the left to navigate between different security modules and configurations.
Step 4: Setting Up Web Security
  • From the Total Protection dashboard, click on 'Web Security' in the sidebar.
  • Select 'Setup' or 'Configure' to start setting up web security policies.
  • Follow the prompts to configure settings such as safe browsing, URL filtering, and threat detection.
  • Click 'Save' to apply the web security settings.
Step 5: Configuring Email Security
  • Navigate to 'Email Security' from the Total Protection dashboard.
  • Click on the 'Setup' or 'Configure' button to define email security policies.
  • Specify settings including spam filtering, phishing detection, and attachment scanning.
  • Save your configurations to enable email protection.
Step 6: Implementing Data Loss Prevention
  • Select 'Data Loss Prevention' from the sidebar on the Total Protection dashboard.
  • Click on 'Configure' to start setting up data loss prevention policies.
  • Define rules for sensitive data handling and specify what actions to take in case of policy violation.
  • Save the rules to enforce data protection across your organization.
Step 7: Securing Remote Workers
  • Go to the 'Remote Workers' module from the Total Protection dashboard.
  • Set up secure access for remote users by configuring VPN-less connections.
  • Ensure policies are in place to control access and visibility for remote operations.
  • Save the settings to apply secure remote work configurations.
Step 8: Using AI-Powered Threat Detection
  • Within any of the security modules, look for AI settings or features.
  • Make sure the AI-powered threat detection is enabled to leverage advanced protection.
  • Review threat reports and system alerts generated by the AI system.
  • Regularly update your settings to stay ahead of evolving threats.
Step 9: Accessing Resources and Support
  • From the Total Protection homepage, go to the 'Resources' section.
  • Explore available resources such as blogs, customer stories, webinars, and whitepapers.
  • If you need help, navigate to the 'Support' section or use the contact form for dedicated support services.

Total Protection Pricing

  • Web Security Pro

    Total Web protection with DirectProtect™ architecture for lightning fast response times

    from £3.19/month*

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    AI powered Anti-Malware

    Deploy in under 30 minutes

    Unique Visual Rule Builder

    Inspection of TLS/SSL traffic

  • Email Security

    Ultra-modern multi-layered protection against sophisticated Email threats

    from £2.43/month*

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Advanced Phishing protection

    Time-of-Click URL analysis

    10,000+ ML Algorithms

    Advanced message routing

  • Cloud App Control

    Discover, analyse and control user actions within cloud SaaS apps to reduce risk of data loss

    from £3.62/month*

    Get Started
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    Granular action-level control

    Mitigate Insider Threat

    Deploy in under 30 minutes

    Extensive App catalogue

  • Security Awareness

    Give your staff the skills they need to identify and avoid cyber attacks

    from £1.07/month*

    Get Started
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    Engaging, automated training

    Realistic phishing simulations

    Jargon-free, practical lessons

    Deep engagement analysis

  • Email Enterprise

    Further enhance the primary attack channel with SecureMail, Attachment Sandboxing, and sophisticated DLP modules

    from £3.95/month*

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    Advanced Anti-Malware Sandbox

    Encrypted Messaging

    Enterprise Data Loss Prevention

    Optional Compliant Archiving Addon

  • Total Protection

    Your complete SSE platform from a single portal.

    from £9.14/month*

    Get Started
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    Web, Cloud App, and Email Security

    Integrated Data Loss Prevention

    Complete visibility and control

    Reduce Operational Burden

  • Web Advanced

    Complete visibility and granular control of both Web and Cloud application using DirectProtect™ proxy-less architecture for high performance

    from £5.99/month*

    Get Started
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    Deploy in under 30 minutes

    Granular control of user's actions

    Out-of-the-box policy templates

    Minimise risk of accidental data loss

Total Protection Frequently Asked Questions

What is Total Protection?

How does Total Protection differentiate itself from other cybersecurity solutions?

What modules are included in Total Protection?

How does Total Protection ensure continuous protection against cyber threats?

Can Total Protection support remote workers securely?

What industries can benefit from Total Protection's cybersecurity solutions?