testRigor revolutionizes software testing with AI-based automation tool, simplifying testing processes for various scenarios. Achieve faster deployment, 90% test coverage, and streamline testing with seamless integrations.

Feature 1: AI Testing
Feature 2: Generative AI in Software Testing
Feature 3: Prompt Engineering in Software Testing

What is testRigor?

testRigor is revolutionizing the software testing industry with its AI-based test automation tool. Using testRigor, users can easily build test automation using plain English instructions, making the process seamless and efficient. With features like generative AI in software testing and AI-based self-healing, testRigor ensures that testing processes are accurate and effective. The tool covers a wide range of testing scenarios including web, mobile, desktop, API, email, SMS, phone calls, and 2FA, making it a comprehensive solution for QA professionals. By integrating with top automation tools and providing excellent documentation, testRigor simplifies the testing process and ensures high test coverage while minimizing maintenance efforts. Organizations can achieve faster deployment, reduce QA overhead, and scale their testing efforts with testRigor.

One of the key strengths of testRigor is its ability to generate tests out of the box, allowing users to copy-paste their manual test cases and quickly correct or expand upon them using plain English instructions. This feature enables users to build test automation 100X faster and spend 200X less time maintaining it. With testRigor, organizations can achieve 90% or more test coverage in under a year, compared to the industry average of 30%. The tool is particularly adept at testing form-based UI and functionality with predictable input/output, providing a stable and adaptable testing solution for complex applications. By automating tests with plain English using Generative AI, testRigor empowers teams to focus on meaningful testing initiatives and improve overall efficiency and scalability.

testRigor stands out as a leading software testing tool that empowers organizations to automate tests with plain English using Generative AI. With its unique approach to test automation, testRigor eliminates the need for writing and maintaining underlying Selenium code, making the testing process more efficient and stable. The tool is ideal for CI/CD pipelines, as testRigor tests won't fail unless functionality changes, allowing for faster deployment and reduced QA headaches. By adapting to new functionality with ease and offering features like API integration, SMS verification, and form-based UI testing, testRigor helps organizations achieve higher test coverage and streamline their testing processes. With a strong focus on security, built-in protection, and seamless integration with existing tools, testRigor is a game-changer in the software testing landscape.

testRigor Features

Feature 1: AI Testing

AI Testing is a crucial feature offered by testRigor, allowing users to leverage artificial intelligence in software testing processes. This feature revolutionizes traditional testing methods by automating test case generation, execution, and analysis.
  • testRigor uses AI algorithms to translate high-level instructions into specific test steps, making it easier for users to create and maintain test cases. The AI technology understands and executes instructions in plain English, simplifying the testing process.
  • Users can input instructions like 'purchase a Kindle' and testRigor will generate a detailed set of steps to perform actions such as searching, adding to cart, and completing the purchase.
  • Additionally, testRigor provides the flexibility to correct and expand upon generated instructions using supported commands, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of AI-based testing.

Feature 2: Generative AI in Software Testing

Generative AI in Software Testing is a cutting-edge feature of testRigor that empowers users to automatically generate test cases based on AI-derived insights into user behavior and application functionality.
  • testRigor utilizes generative AI algorithms to analyze user interactions within the application and extract metadata to create automated test scripts.
  • The AI-driven test generation process ensures that tests accurately reflect real-world user scenarios, enhancing the effectiveness of test coverage.
  • Users can benefit from testRigor's generative AI by quickly adapting to changes in application functionality and effortlessly maintaining test scripts.

Feature 3: Prompt Engineering in Software Testing

Prompt Engineering in Software Testing is a unique feature of testRigor that focuses on enabling users to efficiently create and execute test cases using plain English instructions.
  • testRigor facilitates prompt engineering by allowing users to input high-level instructions and automatically translating them into specific test steps.
  • Users can interact with testRigor using natural language commands, simplifying the test creation process and eliminating the need for complex scripting.
  • Prompt Engineering in testRigor empowers users to quickly build, edit, and execute tests, enhancing productivity and collaboration in software testing.

How to Use testRigor?

Step 1: Sign Up and Create an Account on testRigor
  • Navigate to the testRigor homepage by visiting https://testrigor.com
  • Click on the 'Sign Up' button located at the top-right corner of the page
  • Fill in the required fields with your details: name, email, and password
  • Click 'Create Account' to finalize your registration
  • You will receive a confirmation email; click on the verification link to activate your account
Step 2: Request a Demo or Start Using testRigor
  • After logging in, you have the option to request a demo by clicking 'Request a Demo' for a guided walkthrough
  • Alternatively, start using testRigor immediately by selecting 'Start testRigor Free' from the dashboard
Step 3: Import Your Manual Test Cases
  • On the dashboard, navigate to the 'Test Cases' section
  • Click on 'Import Test Cases' button
  • Copy-paste your existing manual test cases or import them from supported formats
  • Click 'Upload' to finalize the import process
Step 4: Create and Customize Your Tests in Plain English
  • Select 'Create New Test' from the 'Test Cases' section
  • Enter the desired test name and brief description
  • In the test editor, write your test steps in plain English, e.g., 'purchase a Kindle'
  • testRigor will auto-translate these instructions into executable steps, such as 'enter "Kindle" into "Search", press enter, click "Kindle", click "Add to cart"'
  • You can modify or expand these steps as needed using additional plain English instructions
  • Click 'Save Test' to store your test case
Step 5: Execute Your Automated Tests
  • From the 'Test Cases' section, select the tests you want to run
  • Click on 'Run Tests' and choose your desired environment (e.g., Web, Mobile, Desktop)
  • If applicable, set any required configurations for test execution, such as devices or browsers via integrations like LambdaTest or BrowserStack
  • Click 'Execute' to start running your tests
  • Monitor the execution progress and wait for the results
Step 6: Analyze Test Results and Reports
  • After the test execution completes, navigate to the 'Test Results' section
  • Review the detailed test results to identify any failures or issues
  • You can click on individual test steps to see the specific actions performed and their outcomes
  • Use built-in tools to quickly edit or correct failed tests in place
Step 7: Integrate testRigor with Your Existing Tools
  • Navigate to the 'Integrations' section from the testRigor menu
  • Select from a list of supported integrations such as GitLab, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Jira, TestRail, and more
  • Follow the instructions to connect testRigor with your chosen tool
  • Ensure continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) configurations are properly set up for seamless operation
Step 8: Utilize Additional Features and Maintain Tests
  • Explore additional features like API testing, 2FA validation, SMS/Phone call tests, and email verification
  • Regularly update your test cases using the plain English instructions as your application's functionality evolves
  • Take advantage of testRigor’s AI-based self-healing to minimize manual maintenance efforts
  • Ensure high test coverage by continuously adding new tests and refining existing ones

testRigor Frequently Asked Questions

How is testRigor's test automation different from Selenium?

How are you different from Cucumber/Gherkin?

What do you test well?

What don't you test well?