is an all-in-one AI solution for doctors, saving time with streamlined tasks, personalized customization, and decision support. It leads in efficiency, patient care, and reducing burnout, revolutionizing healthcare delivery.

PRE VISIT Screening
DURING VISIT During-Visit Suggestions
DURING VISIT Potential Diagnosis

What is Sully Ai? is the ultimate all-in-one AI solution for doctors looking to save valuable time in their daily workflow. With a mission to create superhuman doctors, offers a comprehensive platform that streamlines tasks from pre-visit screenings to post-visit automations. Backed by years of research and case studies, stands out as the #1 AI platform in saving doctors' time, enabling them to focus more on patient care and less on administrative burdens.

Doctors utilizing can experience a transformation in the way healthcare is delivered, with a decrease in repetitive tasks by 50% and an average time saved daily of 2.8 hours. The platform's hyper-personalization through Doctor-LM allows for effortless customization, while its support for 19 languages ensures effective communication with patients from diverse backgrounds. By automating administrative tasks and providing decision support superpowers, empowers doctors to provide better care and increase efficiency.

Testimonials from healthcare professionals like Aria Alokozai and Nurani Madhani rave about's impact, calling it a game-changer in the industry. With proven results showing a 50% increase in efficiency and patients served, as well as an 80% decrease in burnout, is revolutionizing the way doctors work. By offering a HIPAA-compliant infrastructure and a voice-to-action AI model designed specifically for doctors, is leading the charge in optimizing healthcare delivery and empowering medical professionals to excel in their roles.

Sully Ai Features

PRE VISIT Screening

The PRE VISIT Screening feature in allows healthcare providers to receive the latest symptoms directly from patients before their visit. This helps in gathering crucial information upfront to better prepare for the consultation.
  • The feature operates by prompting patients to enter their symptoms or health concerns prior to their appointment. The system then organizes and presents this information in a structured format for easy review by doctors.

DURING VISIT During-Visit Suggestions

The During-Visit Suggestions feature in provides real-time suggestions and considerations to doctors as they engage with patients during consultations. This feature aims to enhance the decision-making process and provide valuable insights during the visit.
  • During the visit, constantly analyzes the conversation and medical data to offer relevant suggestions to the doctor. These suggestions can range from treatment options to potential diagnoses, helping doctors make informed decisions quickly.


The Scribe feature in transforms conversations between doctors and patients into medical notes seamlessly using AI technology. This streamlines the documentation process and reduces the administrative burden on healthcare providers.
  • listens to the conversation between the doctor and patient and automatically converts it into detailed medical notes. This eliminates the need for manual note-taking, saving time and ensuring accurate documentation of the visit.

DURING VISIT Potential Diagnosis

The Potential Diagnosis feature in supports doctors by providing insights and suggestions to aid in the potential diagnosis of symptoms observed during the patient visit. This feature enhances the diagnostic process and helps doctors in formulating treatment plans.
  • analyzes the symptoms presented by the patient and offers potential diagnosis options based on medical knowledge and data. Doctors can leverage these insights to make informed decisions about the patient's condition and treatment.

How to Use Sully Ai?

Step 1: Getting Started with
  • Visit's official website at
  • Click on the 'Get Started' or 'Book a demo' button prominently displayed on the homepage.
  • Fill in the required information to schedule a demo or get started immediately.
  • Ensure you have the necessary web browser installed (Chrome, Edge, Safari) as supports these browsers.
  • If you are using a mobile device, note that the iOS and Play Store apps are coming soon.
Step 2: Pre-Visit: Patient Screening
  • Log into your account.
  • Navigate to the 'Pre-Visit' section.
  • Enable the feature to receive the latest symptoms directly from patients.
  • Customize the symptom questionnaire if necessary to suit your practice needs.
  • Ensure the integration with your EMR system is active to automatically update patient records.
Step 3: During Visit: Real-Time Support
  • During patient visits, use the 'During Visit Suggestions' feature.
  • will provide real-time suggestions and considerations while consulting with patients.
  • Enable the 'AI Scribe' to turn conversations into medical notes seamlessly.
  • Use the 'Potential Diagnosis' support to gain insights that aid in diagnosing symptoms.
  • Once a diagnosis is identified, refer to the 'Drafts Clinical Plan' feature for suggested treatment plans.
Step 4: Post Visit: Streamline Administrative Tasks
  • Post consultation, navigate to the 'Post Visit Automations' section on
  • Set up custom automations to expedite any workflow, such as follow-ups or sending prescriptions.
  • Review the automated notes and documents for accuracy.
  • Ensure all patient interactions and treatments are accurately logged in your EMR.
Step 5: Installing and Using Extensions
  • Go to the 'Available On' section on
  • Select the appropriate browser or device for installation: Chrome, Edge, Safari, or the upcoming iOS and Play Store versions.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the extension or app.
  • Log in to through the installed extension or app.
  • Ensure that the extension/app is properly integrated with your EMR system for seamless operation.
Step 6: Customizing Your Experience
  • Navigate to the 'Settings' or 'Preferences' section of
  • Customize the AI settings to match your workflow and requirements.
  • Set rules for tasks that you want to automate.
  • Use the voice or natural language customization feature to tailor’s interface.
  • Ensure to set language preferences if you work with patients speaking any of the 19 supported languages for effective communication.
Step 7: Reviewing Performance and Efficiency Metrics
  • Access the 'Dashboard' section on
  • Monitor your efficiency metrics such as the decrease in repetitive tasks, time saved daily, and burnout rates.
  • Review case studies and testimonials available on to understand the impact and best practices.
  • Utilize the performance data to identify areas for further improvement.
  • Regularly check for updates and new features on that could enhance your practice.

Sully Ai Frequently Asked Questions

What is

How does help doctors?

Is HIPAA compliant?

What are some of the features of

How has impacted healthcare providers?

Who endorses