SmartDispute.AI is a revolutionary credit repair service leveraging AI to remove negative accounts and errors from credit reports, resulting in significant score improvements in a short time. It offers factual dispute methods, transparency in pricing, and comprehensive support to empower users in their credit repair journey.

Feature 1: Smart Report Analysis
Feature 2: Smart Dispute System™ Technology
Feature 3: Smart Tracking and Progress Monitoring

What is SmartDispute.AI?

SmartDispute.AI is a revolutionary credit repair service that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help users improve their credit scores. By utilizing their patented Smart Dispute System™ technology, SmartDispute.AI identifies and removes accounts that are negatively impacting credit reports. Users have seen impressive results, with credit scores increasing by over 85 points in less than two months. The system is easy to use, with automated processes that take the guesswork out of credit repair.

One of the key advantages of SmartDispute.AI is its focus on factual dispute methods rather than traditional legalistic approaches. By analyzing data from 3 bureau credit reports, the system generates customized dispute letters that are sent to credit bureaus, targeting errors and inconsistencies. Users have reported significant improvements in their credit scores, with some seeing increases of up to 105 points in just 60 days. The system is designed to put users back in control of their credit repair journey.

SmartDispute.AI offers a transparent pricing model, with a monthly plan that provides access to unlimited disputes, including late payments, foreclosures, liens, charge-offs, and more. The system is designed to save users money compared to traditional credit repair services, which can charge $90-$120 per month for generic dispute letters. SmartDispute.AI empowers users to take charge of their credit repair process, with comprehensive support through online chat, text messages, email, and Facebook Messenger.

SmartDispute.AI Features

Feature 1: Smart Report Analysis

The Smart Report Analysis feature of SmartDispute.AI is designed to help users import, scan, and analyze their 3 bureau credit report with the help of powerful AI technology. This feature plays a crucial role in identifying accounts that are negatively impacting the user's credit score.
  • Users can upload their credit report to the platform, where the AI technology will scan and analyze the report to pinpoint accounts that need to be disputed.
  • The system will automatically identify errors, violations, and inconsistencies on the credit reports, allowing users to take targeted action to improve their credit.

Feature 2: Smart Dispute System™ Technology

The patented Smart Dispute System™ technology of SmartDispute.AI is a groundbreaking feature that sets it apart from traditional credit repair services. This system is designed to automate the process of disputing accounts that are negatively impacting the user's credit score.
  • The Smart Dispute System™ technology proactively identifies reporting errors, violations, and inconsistencies on the user's credit reports.
  • Custom dispute letters are generated based on the findings of the AI technology, providing users with a strategic approach to resolving credit issues.
  • Users can easily send out dispute letters to the credit bureaus, streamlining the credit repair process and ensuring that all relevant accounts are addressed.

Feature 3: Smart Tracking and Progress Monitoring

SmartDispute.AI offers a comprehensive tracking and progress monitoring feature to help users stay informed about the status of their credit repair efforts. This feature ensures that users can easily track their progress and take timely actions to improve their credit score.
  • The platform automatically updates credit reports on a monthly basis, providing users with real-time insights into their credit status.
  • Users can access a dashboard that displays their credit repair progress, including changes in credit scores and resolved disputes.
  • The system queues up the next round of disputes based on the updated credit reports, keeping users on track with their credit repair journey.

How to Use SmartDispute.AI?

Step 1: Sign Up for SmartDispute.AI
  • Visit the SmartDispute.AI website.
  • Click on the 'SIGN UP' button located at the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Fill in the required details to create your account, including your name, email address, and password.
  • Confirm your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your email.
  • Login to your newly created SmartDispute.AI account.
Step 2: Enroll in the Monthly Plan
  • Once logged in to your SmartDispute.AI account, go to the 'Pricing' section.
  • Select the $39 monthly plan which includes unlimited disputes and credit report imports.
  • Enter your payment details to complete the subscription process.
  • Receive confirmation of your enrollment in the monthly plan.
Step 3: Verify Your Identity
  • Navigate to the 'Verify Identity' section in your SmartDispute.AI dashboard.
  • Follow the prompts to connect with Smart Credit, the 3 bureau credit report partner.
  • Enter the necessary personal information to verify your identity.
  • Allow SmartDispute.AI to import and analyze your 3 bureau credit reports.
Step 4: Review Imported Credit Reports
  • Go to the 'Smart Report' section of your SmartDispute.AI dashboard.
  • Review the imported credit reports from the three credit bureaus.
  • Check the analysis provided by the AI for any reporting errors, violations, and inconsistencies.
  • Ensure all your credit report details are accurately captured.
Step 5: Generate Custom Dispute Letters
  • In the same 'Smart Report' section, select the accounts with negative marks that you wish to dispute.
  • Allow SmartDispute.AI to generate custom dispute letters based on the identified discrepancies.
  • Review the generated dispute letters for accuracy.
  • Download or print the dispute letters as per your preference.
Step 6: Send Dispute Letters to Credit Bureaus
  • Gather the downloaded or printed dispute letters prepared by SmartDispute.AI.
  • Address and send each dispute letter to the corresponding credit bureau (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion).
  • If preferred, use certified mail to ensure your dispute letters are received and tracked.
Step 7: Track Dispute Progress
  • Return to your SmartDispute.AI account dashboard.
  • Navigate to the 'Smart Track' section to monitor the status of your disputes.
  • Check monthly updates where SmartDispute.AI imports the latest credit reports and tracks improvements.
  • Prepare for the next round of disputes automatically queued up by SmartDispute.AI if necessary.
Step 8: Seek Support If Needed
  • If you encounter any issues, navigate to the 'Contact Us' section on SmartDispute.AI.
  • Use the live chat feature, available at the lower left corner of the SmartDispute.AI interface.
  • Alternatively, send a text message to (910) 668-6112 or an email to [email protected].
  • For social media assistance, message SmartDispute.AI on Facebook Messenger at

SmartDispute.AI Pricing

  • Monthly Plan

    Create an account and enroll in the monthly plan. Cancel at any time.

    $39 cancel anytime

    Get Started
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    3 bureau credit report smart import

    Credit scores from all 3 credit bureaus

    Access to in-depth credit repair articles and videos

    Support through online chat, text messages, email, and Facebook Messenger

    UNLIMITED DISPUTES, including late payments, foreclosures, liens, charge-offs, judgments, bankruptcies, collections, repossessions, and hard inquiries

    Monthly billing - cancel at any time

SmartDispute.AI Frequently Asked Questions

What is credit repair?

Is credit repair legal?

How long does it take to repair my credit?

Can deleting a negative account hurt my credit score?

If I already disputed my accounts online, can I still dispute negative items?