Plainly is an innovative video automation software that simplifies creating personalized videos. It offers versatile solutions for various industries, streamlining processes with After Effects templates and Google Sheets integration. Testimonials from Ultraviolet, Eterlast, and BurdaForward attest to its effectiveness.

Feature 1: Automate video creation
Feature 2: Video editing API
Feature 3: Personalized videos

What is Plainly?

Plainly is an innovative video automation software that allows users to effortlessly create engaging and personalized videos on autopilot. With a focus on industries such as publishers, creative agencies, tech companies, real estate, and more, Plainly offers a wide range of product solutions to cater to different workflow needs. By automating video creation from CSV files, articles, and even offering a video editing API, Plainly simplifies the process of generating thousands of unique videos in just a few clicks. Plainly's seamless integration with Google Sheets, customizable templates in After Effects, and user-friendly interface make it a top choice for businesses looking to enhance their video marketing strategies.

With Plainly, users can easily set up programmatic video editing based on After Effects templates, integrate with Google Sheets for data-driven videos, and create personalized videos to drive user action. The platform's versatility in transforming text content into engaging videos without the need for additional resources or headcount sets it apart from other video automation tools on the market. Whether you're a digital publisher looking to boost user engagement, a creative agency aiming to streamline personalized campaigns, or a tech company seeking to enhance your product offerings with video capabilities, Plainly offers a comprehensive solution to suit your needs.

Testimonials from clients like Ultraviolet, Eterlast, and BurdaForward highlight the effectiveness of Plainly in streamlining video production processes, saving time and resources, and ultimately driving business results. The platform's ability to automate large-scale campaigns, create personalized content at scale, and optimize video marketing efforts has made it a preferred choice for businesses looking to stay ahead in the digital landscape. By leveraging Plainly's video automation software, users can unlock new possibilities in video production, enhance online visibility, and drive engagement with their target audience. Choose Plainly for efficient, effective, and impactful video creation on autopilot.

Plainly Features

Feature 1: Automate video creation

Automate video creation is a core feature of Plainly, allowing users to streamline the process of creating engaging videos on autopilot. With this feature, users can save time and effort by automatically generating and distributing thousands of unique videos with high-quality templates.
  • Users start by creating their video templates in Adobe After Effects without any limitations. Plainly offers a free template library for all users to access and utilize.
  • Once the template is created, users can add their data using a static source such as CSV or integrate with Google Sheets in one click for data-driven videos on a large scale.
  • Finally, Plainly will automatically insert the data into the template and render the videos, allowing users to focus on more important tasks and improve efficiency.

Feature 2: Video editing API

The Video editing API feature of Plainly enables users to set up programmatic video editing based on After Effects with just a few clicks. This API empowers users to integrate video editing seamlessly into their workflow, enhancing the overall efficiency of video creation.
  • Users can easily set up programmatic video editing based on After Effects within the Plainly platform.
  • The API allows for seamless integration with third-party tools and data sources for enhanced video editing capabilities.
  • Users can execute no-code data-driven videos on a large scale with the Video editing API.

Feature 3: Personalized videos

The Personalized videos feature of Plainly allows users to create customized and engaging videos that drive user action through high-quality content. With this feature, users can deliver personalized video content to their audience, boosting engagement and interaction.
  • Users can leverage the Personalized videos feature to create tailored video content that resonates with their target audience.
  • Drive user action and engagement through high-quality personalized videos.
  • Customize video content to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual viewers.

How to Use Plainly?

Step 1: Create Your Template in Adobe After Effects
  • Open Adobe After Effects.
  • Create a new project or use an existing one.
  • Design your video template as needed, incorporating text, images, and other dynamic elements you want to automate.
  • Save your project and ensure all assets are properly linked and accessible.
Step 2: Set Up Plainly Account
  • Visit the Plainly website.
  • Click on 'Try 14 days free' or 'Book A Demo' to create an account or start your free trial.
  • Follow the registration instructions to set up your Plainly account.
Step 3: Upload Your After Effects Template to Plainly
  • Log in to your Plainly account.
  • Navigate to the 'Create Your Template' section.
  • Upload your saved Adobe After Effects project file.
  • Confirm that all elements are correctly imported and ready for automation.
Step 4: Integrate Your Data Source
  • Choose your preferred data source: CSV, Google Sheets, or API.
  • For CSV: Prepare your CSV file with all necessary data fields and upload it to Plainly.
  • For Google Sheets: Connect your Google account to Plainly and link your specific Google Sheet.
  • For API: Follow the API documentation on Plainly to set up and integrate your data source programmatically.
Step 5: Customize Data Mapping
  • After uploading or linking your data source, navigate to the 'Data Mapping' section in Plainly.
  • Match the columns/fields from your data source to the corresponding elements in your After Effects template.
  • Ensure all dynamic elements in your template are properly linked to your data.
Step 6: Render Videos
  • Choose 'Batch Render' if you are using a static data source like CSV or Google Sheets.
  • Choose 'Render on Demand' if you are using the API or if you need real-time processing.
  • Initiate the rendering process on Plainly.
  • Monitor the progress and wait for Plainly to insert your data into the template and automatically generate the videos.
Step 7: Review and Distribute Videos
  • Once rendering is complete, navigate to the 'Videos' section in Plainly.
  • Review the generated videos to ensure they meet your quality standards.
  • Download the videos or use Plainly's distribution options to share them across your desired channels.

Plainly Pricing

  • Starter

    For those getting started with video automation.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    25 video minutes / month

    Up to 5 custom projects

    24h video retention

    Up to 1080p video export

    Up to 4 concurrent renders

    Thumbnail export

    Team members

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Premium support

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Team

    For those getting more serious.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    125 video minutes / month

    Up to 10 custom projects

    48h video retention

    Up to 1080p video export

    Up to 8 concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Premium support

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Pro

    For video automation pros that need all bells and whistles.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    325 video minutes / month

    Up to 15 custom projects

    72h video retention

    Up to 4k video export

    Up to 16 concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Premium support

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Enterprise

    For large companies.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    Custom video minutes

    Custom number of projects

    Custom video retention

    Custom video export

    Custom number of concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Premium support

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Starter

    For those getting started with video automation.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    25 video minutes

    Up to 5 custom projects

    24h video retention

    Up to 1080p video export

    Up to 4 concurrent renders

    Thumbnail export

    Team members

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Premium support

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Team

    For those getting more serious.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    125 video minutes

    Up to 10 custom projects

    48h video retention

    Up to 1080p video export

    Up to 8 concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Premium support

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Pro

    For video automation pros that need all bells and whistles.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    325 video minutes

    Up to 15 custom projects

    72h video retention

    Up to 4k video export

    Up to 16 concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Premium support

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

  • Enterprise

    For large companies.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Web App

    API access

    Custom video minutes

    Custom number of projects

    Custom video retention

    Custom video export

    Custom number of concurrent renders

    Thumbnails export

    Team members (coming soon)

    Premium support

    Dedicated rendering nodes

    Video player

    Payment by invoice

Plainly Frequently Asked Questions

What is video automation software?

Is an automated video editing tool the same as a video automation tool?

What can you use video automation software for?

How can video automation software help me create personalized video marketing campaigns?