Overjet AI is revolutionizing the dental industry with its leading dental AI platform, combining patient-centric AI with dental care to improve clinical outcomes and administrative efficiency. Trusted by major insurance companies and dental groups, Overjet AI enhances precision and communication for providers and payers.

Clinical Intelligence Platform: Overjet AI for Providers
Claim Intelligence Platform: Overjet AI for Payers
Patient-Centric AI: Improving Oral Health with Overjet AI

What is Overjet Ai?

Overjet AI is the leading dental AI platform that is revolutionizing the dental industry by providing cutting-edge technology to providers and payers. With its innovative artificial intelligence capabilities, Overjet AI is able to enhance clinical care and administrative efficiency, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Trusted by some of the largest insurance companies and dental groups, Overjet AI is recognized as the number one AI platform for the dental industry. Its FDA-cleared platform uses patient-centric AI to detect and outline decay, quantifying bone loss in real-time to guide precise diagnostic decisions. The platform's ability to combine human intelligence with AI sets it apart in transforming dental care and achieving better clinical outcomes for patients.

Providers benefit from Overjet AI's clinical intelligence platform, which evaluates clinical performance by combining AI findings in radiographs with patient and treatment data. This integration allows clinical staff to enhance precision, efficiency, training, and communication, leading to consistent and improved patient outcomes. On the other hand, payers utilize Overjet AI's claim intelligence platform to streamline and optimize the claims review process by analyzing radiographic claims and related data. This thorough review process ensures prompt approval of claims confirmed by AI, allowing examiners and adjudicators to focus on claims where clinical competence is most crucial. With Overjet AI, both providers and payers can lead the change to clinically precise, efficient, and patient-centric dental care.

The effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of Overjet AI can be seen in three simple steps: integrate and collect, verify and enrich, and engage and improve. By integrating with existing systems and workflows, Overjet AI allows for seamless implementation in clinical settings. Its AI capabilities enhance decision-making by removing subjectivity and providing quantified visualization for more confident clinical decisions. Overjet AI transforms findings and insights into efficiency and growth, easing the workload for dental teams, automating administrative tasks, and ultimately improving patient outcomes. What sets Overjet AI apart is its ability to combine patient-centric AI with dental care, resulting in improved oral health for patients.

Overjet Ai Features

Clinical Intelligence Platform: Overjet AI for Providers

The Clinical Intelligence Platform by Overjet AI is a revolutionary tool designed to evaluate clinical performance by combining AI findings in radiographs with patient and treatment data. This platform aims to enhance clinical precision, efficiency, training, and communication in dental practices, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.
  • Providers can input patient and treatment data into the system, which is then analyzed alongside radiographic AI findings.
  • The AI algorithms in the platform detect and outline decay, quantify bone loss, and provide real-time guidance for diagnostic decisions.
  • Through accurate analytics, clinicians can improve decision-making, training, and overall clinical performance.

Claim Intelligence Platform: Overjet AI for Payers

The Claim Intelligence Platform by Overjet AI is specifically designed for insurance companies and health plans to streamline and optimize the claims review process. By analyzing radiographic claims and related data, this platform aims to expedite claim approvals and allow examiners to focus on cases requiring clinical competence.
  • The AI algorithms evaluate all radiographic claims and associated data to accurately review and approve claims promptly.
  • Examiners and adjudicators can focus their attention on claims where clinical competence is most crucial, improving overall efficiency.
  • The platform removes subjectivity in claim processing and ensures a more accurate and streamlined review process.

Patient-Centric AI: Improving Oral Health with Overjet AI

Overjet AI's patient-centric AI approach combines computer vision, machine learning, and natural language processing to drive transformational enhancements in dental care. By leveraging AI technology, this platform aims to improve patient care, increase precision in diagnoses, deliver actionable insights, and automate administrative tasks within dental practices.
  • The platform utilizes advanced AI algorithms to detect and quantify common dental issues like decay and bone loss on radiographs, providing real-time guidance for clinicians.
  • It automates administrative tasks, provides actionable insights for clinicians, and helps in driving better patient care.
  • By combining human intelligence with AI capabilities, the platform strives to enhance clinical and operational efficiencies across dental locations.

How to Use Overjet Ai?

Step 1: Step 1: Book a Demo with Overjet AI
  • Visit the Overjet AI website.
  • Navigate to the 'Book a demo' section.
  • Fill in your company name and email address in the required fields.
  • Click the 'Book a demo' button to schedule your demo session with Overjet AI.
Step 2: Step 2: Integrate Overjet AI with Your Existing Systems
  • Upon receiving the demo, follow the instructions provided by Overjet AI's team to integrate the tool into your practice management and imaging software.
  • Ensure all your practice’s data and workflows are correctly linked with Overjet AI.
  • Verify that the integration is complete and working correctly to proceed.
Step 3: Step 3: Collect and Analyze Data
  • Start collecting radiographs and patient data through Overjet AI.
  • Allow Overjet AI’s computer vision and natural language processing to analyze the incoming data.
  • Review quantified visualizations and clinical AI findings generated by Overjet AI.
Step 4: Step 4: Enhance Clinical Performance
  • Use the insights provided by Overjet AI to improve clinical precision and efficiency.
  • Train clinical staff on interpreting Overjet AI's findings to ensure consistent patient outcomes.
  • Apply Overjet AI’s data to guide diagnostic decisions and improve patient care.
Step 5: Step 5: Optimize Administrative Workflows
  • Leverage Overjet AI to streamline administrative tasks such as claims review and processing.
  • Allow Overjet AI to automate claim approvals for cases confirmed by its AI analysis.
  • Focus your attention on claims requiring clinical expertise, guided by flagged data from Overjet AI.
Step 6: Step 6: Improve Patient Communication
  • Use Overjet AI’s visuals and data to enhance communication with patients.
  • Educate patients about their oral health conditions with the help of Overjet AI's quantified analysis.
  • Increase case acceptance rates by providing clear and data-supported treatment recommendations.
Step 7: Step 7: Monitor and Update
  • Continuously monitor the performance metrics tracked by Overjet AI.
  • Regularly update your system according to Overjet AI’s latest enhancements and features.
  • Stay informed with Overjet AI’s blog, videos, and webinars to refine your usage of the tool.

Overjet Ai Frequently Asked Questions

What is Overjet AI all about?

Who uses Overjet AI?

How does Overjet AI support providers?

How does Overjet AI support payers?

What sets Overjet AI apart from other platforms?

How does Overjet AI leverage AI for dental care?

How does Overjet AI help in driving transformational enhancements?

What can patients expect from Overjet AI?

Can I see Overjet AI in action?

What recent developments have been made by Overjet AI?

How can I integrate Overjet AI into my existing systems?

What are the benefits of using Overjet AI for insurance companies?

What is the goal of Overjet AI for dental care?

How does Overjet AI help in improving dental care efficiency?

Is Overjet AI recognized in the AI industry?