Ocelot revolutionizes higher education with AI-driven platforms like Two-Way Texting, Live Chat, and AI Chatbot, ensuring personalized support and guidance for student success. With over 15.6 million questions answered, Ocelot's comprehensive knowledge base and Video Library enhance student engagement and retention.

Feature 1: Two-Way Texting
Feature 2: AI Chatbot
Feature 3: Live Chat

What is Ocelot?

Ocelot is the ultimate solution for higher education institutions looking to revolutionize their student engagement and retention strategies. With a powerful AI-driven platform, Ocelot offers a seamless and personalized experience for students to access the right information at the right time. From Two-Way Texting to Live Chat and AI Chatbot, Ocelot ensures students stay informed and supported throughout their academic journey. The platform's integrations with leading campus systems make navigating complex student interactions easier than ever.

Ocelot's AI Chatbot is a game-changer for higher education professionals looking to streamline student communications. With over 15.6 million questions answered in the last 12 months alone, Ocelot's Chatbot delivers accurate, compliant, and relevant information to students on-demand. By harnessing the power of AI, Ocelot empowers institutions to provide personalized support and guidance, ultimately driving student success. The platform's comprehensive knowledge base ensures students have access to over 850,000 questions and answers to support their academic journey.

Ocelot's Live Chat feature is an essential tool for higher education institutions seeking to enhance student engagement and retention. With integrated live chat capabilities, Ocelot offers a versatile and comprehensive approach to AI communications across campus. By keeping students on the path to success through personalized interactions, Ocelot ensures that every student receives the support they need to thrive academically. The platform's AI-assisted live chat feature is a key component in driving enrollment and boosting student success rates.

Ocelot's Video Library is a valuable resource for students seeking information and support throughout their academic journey. With engaging video content tailored to student needs, Ocelot's Video Library provides a visually stimulating way for students to access key information. Whether it's guidance on financial aid, enrollment processes, or student success tips, Ocelot's Video Library offers a comprehensive source of knowledge for students. By creating a visually appealing learning experience, Ocelot ensures that students remain informed and engaged in their academic pursuits.

Ocelot Features

Feature 1: Two-Way Texting

Two-Way Texting is a feature offered by Ocelot that allows for AI-backed, 1-to-many text messaging to keep current and prospective students informed, supported, and on-track throughout their academic journey.
  • With Two-Way Texting, Ocelot provides personalized support and guidance to students through text messages.
  • This feature enables institutions to reach a large number of students simultaneously, ensuring they receive important information in a timely manner.
  • Two-Way Texting is seamlessly integrated into Ocelot's communication platform, making it easy for institutions to engage with students effectively.

Feature 2: AI Chatbot

The AI Chatbot is a purpose-built artificial intelligence tool by Ocelot that accurately understands students' questions and delivers compliant, consistent, and relevant information whenever and wherever it's needed.
  • The AI Chatbot uses advanced algorithms to interpret and respond to student inquiries, providing quick and accurate answers.
  • This feature is designed to enhance the student experience by offering 24/7 support and access to a vast amount of information.
  • The AI Chatbot ensures that students receive consistent and reliable responses, improving their overall satisfaction with the support provided.

Feature 3: Live Chat

Live Chat is an integrated feature by Ocelot that brings a versatile and comprehensive approach to AI communications across campus, keeping students on the path to success.
  • Through Live Chat, students can interact in real-time with knowledgeable support staff, ensuring their queries are addressed promptly.
  • This feature allows for seamless communication between students and institutions, fostering a sense of accessibility and assistance.
  • Live Chat provides a personalized touch to student support by offering direct engagement with experts in various fields.

How to Use Ocelot?

Step 1: Getting Started with Ocelot
  • Visit the Ocelot website at www.ocelotbot.com.
  • Click on the 'Get a demo' button located at the top right corner of the page.
  • Fill out the required fields in the demo request form and submit it.
  • Wait for an Ocelot representative to contact you and schedule your demo session.
Step 2: Logging into Ocelot
  • Once you have your credentials, go to the Ocelot login page at www.ocelotbot.com/login.
  • Enter your username and password.
  • Click on the 'Login' button to access your Ocelot dashboard.
Step 3: Setting Up Two-Way Texting
  • In your Ocelot dashboard, navigate to the 'Two-Way Texting' module.
  • Click on 'Settings' to configure your texting options.
  • Select the target student groups and message templates you want to use.
  • Save your settings and return to the Two-Way Texting module.
  • Click 'Compose Message' and draft your text message.
  • Click 'Send' to deliver the message to your selected student groups.
Step 4: Configuring the AI Chatbot
  • Go to the 'Chatbot' module in your Ocelot dashboard.
  • Click on 'Configure Bot' to begin setting up your AI chatbot.
  • Choose from the predefined question and answer sets or create custom sets.
  • Map the chatbot responses to specific student inquiries.
  • Test the chatbot configuration by interacting with it in the test environment.
  • Save changes after ensuring the chatbot provides correct and compliant information.
Step 5: Using the Live Chat Feature
  • Navigate to the 'Live Chat' module in your Ocelot dashboard.
  • Set your availability status to 'Online' to start receiving live chat requests.
  • When a student initiates a chat, a notification will appear. Click the notification to open the chat.
  • Engage with the student, answering questions and providing guidance as needed.
  • End the chat when the session is complete and provide any follow-up information if required.
Step 6: Integrating Ocelot with Campus Systems
  • Go to the 'Integrations' section in your Ocelot dashboard.
  • Select the campus systems you want to integrate with Ocelot from the list of supported integrations.
  • Follow the instructions for setting up each integration, including API key configuration and system permissions.
  • Test the integration to ensure data flows smoothly between Ocelot and your campus systems.
  • Contact Ocelot support if you encounter any issues during the integration process.
Step 7: Accessing the Video Library
  • In the Ocelot dashboard, click on the 'Video Library' tab.
  • Browse through the available educational videos organized by categories.
  • Select a video to watch and click on the play button.
  • Take notes and share the videos with students as needed to support their learning journey.
Step 8: Generating Analytics and Reports
  • Navigate to the 'Analytics' section of your Ocelot dashboard.
  • Select the type of report you want to generate (e.g., engagement metrics, response times).
  • Choose the parameters for your report, such as date range and student groups.
  • Click 'Generate Report' to view the data.
  • Analyze the report findings to make informed decisions and improve student engagement and retention.
Step 9: Exploring Ocelot Resources
  • Visit the 'Resources' section on the Ocelot website.
  • Explore various resources including the blog, downloadable content, and webinars.
  • Read blog posts for advice and best practices in higher education engagement.
  • Download guides and best practices to apply to your institution's strategy.
  • Register for live events and on-demand webinars to gain deeper insights.
Step 10: Getting Support from Ocelot
  • If you need help, click on the 'Contact Us' button on the Ocelot website.
  • Call the support number +1-888-704-9090 for immediate assistance.
  • Fill out the contact form with your query and submit it for email support.
  • Access Ocelot’s customer service and troubleshooting guides for self-help solutions.

Ocelot Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ocelot?

How does Ocelot help institutions in higher education?

What are some key features of Ocelot?

How many questions did Ocelot answer in the last 12 months?

How can institutions benefit from using Ocelot?