NewWord is a revolutionary language learning tool harnessing AI for effective vocabulary memorization. Its user-friendly interface, personalized word lists, and scenario-based learning modules cater to students, teachers, and professionals alike. The app's innovative design, traceability system, and practical exercises make it a reliable companion for language acquisition. Visit NewWord website for more information.

AI-Powered Insights
Unique Traceability System
System Sharing Menu Integration

What is Newword?

NewWord is a groundbreaking language learning tool that leverages the power of AI to help users memorize new words effectively. With features like AI-powered personalized word management solutions, users can easily remember and expand their vocabulary. The app offers a simple and convenient way to add new words, whether through system sharing menu, photo OCR, or manual import. The AI assistant provides valuable insights and diversified review strategies to make word memorization engaging and efficient. NewWord is designed to fit seamlessly into daily life, making it easy to record and revisit new words encountered in everyday reading.

NewWord's innovative design allows users to aggregate and manage all new words in a fast and organized manner. The app's unique traceability system retains the context in which new words were added, enhancing the learning experience. With support for Apple platforms and the ability to export data, NewWord offers a seamless and customizable user experience. The app has received high praise from users around the world, including students, language teachers, and professionals who have benefited from its practical exercises and comprehensive content. Whether you're learning a new language for personal growth, academic pursuits, or professional development, NewWord is your reliable companion for language acquisition.

NewWord's user-friendly interface and personalized word lists help users improve their vocabulary consistently. The app's scenario-based learning modules are particularly effective for foreign language sales pitches and business communication. For individuals and teams looking to enhance their communication skills in multiple languages, NewWord is a game-changer. By focusing on business vocabulary and practical exercises, NewWord has proven to be instrumental in improving global interactions and multilingual training programs. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a language enthusiast, NewWord offers a wealth of resources and tools to support your language learning journey.

Newword Features

AI-Powered Insights

AI-Powered Insights in NewWord utilize artificial intelligence to provide personalized word management solutions, making the process of learning new words more efficient and effective.
  • The AI assistant in NewWord offers word definitions, multiple example sentences, and diversified review strategies to help users consolidate word memory.
  • The AI assistant also helps in completing daily reviews and expanding vocabulary by providing valuable insights and guidance.

Unique Traceability System

NewWord's Unique Traceability System allows users to retain sentences and pictures associated with added words, providing a comprehensive context for better word memory.
  • Every new word added in NewWord is accompanied by its respective sentences and pictures to create a more enriched learning experience.
  • Users can easily revisit the scene where new words were added, giving them a sense of familiarity and aiding in memory retention.

System Sharing Menu Integration

NewWord's System Sharing Menu Integration allows users to add new words conveniently through various channels, making the process of vocabulary management simpler and more streamlined.
  • Users can utilize the iOS/iPadOS system sharing menu to quickly add new words encountered in daily reading or online content.
  • The sharing menu feature enables users to select text and share it directly to NewWord for easy word addition and management.

How to Use Newword?

Step 1: Getting Started with NewWord
  • Visit the NewWord homepage and click on the 'Download now' button to download the app.
  • Open the app after installation and create your account by following the on-screen prompts.
Step 2: Adding New Words
  • Identify a new word you want to add from any reading material on your iOS/iPadOS device.
  • Use the system sharing menu: Select the text of the new word, click 'Share', and choose NewWord from the sharing options.
  • Alternatively, use photo OCR: Take a picture of the new word in books, notes or any visual source. Open NewWord, select the 'Add via Photo OCR' option, and upload the image to extract the word.
Step 3: Manual Import of Words
  • Open the NewWord app and navigate to the 'Add Words' section.
  • Manually type in the new word along with additional context such as sentences or pictures.
  • Save the word to your vocabulary list.
Step 4: Utilizing AI-Powered Insights
  • Enable AI assistant services within the NewWord app settings.
  • Review the vocabulary list daily with the help of personalized reminders and insights offered by the AI assistant.
  • Utilize diverse review strategies, such as quizzes and example sentences provided by the AI assistant, to consolidate your word memory.
Step 5: Review and Expand Your Vocabulary
  • Use the in-app review features to keep track of your learning progress.
  • Take advantage of vocabulary expansion options that suggest new words based on your current list.
  • Engage in scenario-based learning modules to apply your vocabulary in practical contexts.
Step 6: Exporting and Migrating Data
  • Navigate to the settings section of the NewWord app.
  • Choose the 'Export Data' option to back up your vocabulary list.
  • Follow the prompts to export your data in a preferred format for easy migration to other platforms.
Step 7: Stay Updated with NewWord
  • Regularly check for updates to the NewWord app to access new features and improvements.
  • Visit the NewWord blog to read posts about language learning tips and app updates.
  • Engage with the NewWord community on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook to share experiences and tips.

Newword Pricing

  • Pro

    Basic Pro features

    $1.99 /month

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Multi-device data cloud synchronization

    Remove the limit on the number of word imports

    Pro App icons

    iOS widgets


  • AI +

    Unlock AI super power

    $3.99 /month

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    AI word extensions

    AI multi translations

    Multi-device data cloud synchronization

    Remove the limit on the number of word imports

    Pro App icons

    iOS widgets


Newword Frequently Asked Questions

What is NewWord?

What features does NewWord offer for word management?

How can I add new words to NewWord?

How does NewWord use AI to assist in word memorization?

What platforms does NewWord support?

Can I export my word data from NewWord?