MyInfluencer simplifies influencer discovery for businesses, providing tailored lists of micro influencers and nano influencers based on AI technology and real-time data. Join thousands of satisfied users and elevate your brand with MyInfluencer.

Feature 1: Analyze & Search
Feature 2: Latest Briefs with Analysis
Feature 3: Curated Micro Influencer & Nano Influencer List
Feature 4: Real-time Influencer Data Update

What is Myinfluencer?

Discovering the perfect influencers for your business has never been easier thanks to MyInfluencer. With a simple description of your needs, MyInfluencer provides expert analysis and a curated list of micro influencers and nano influencers tailored specifically to your business. The tool combines AI technology with real-time data to ensure you get the most up-to-date information to make informed decisions. Join over 2000 small business owners, solo entrepreneurs, and marketing experts who have experienced success with MyInfluencer.

MyInfluencer's influencer analyze & search tool has been a game-changer for businesses looking to boost their online presence. The tool helped Alice Johnson, founder of a skincare line, find the perfect micro-influencers for her campaign, resulting in a significant increase in engagement. James Moore, a digital marketing specialist, also saw success with MyInfluencer, reaching a wider audience and making their influencer marketing strategy more effective. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your brand with MyInfluencer's tailored influencer lists.

Whether you're a solo entrepreneur like John Davis or a marketing director like Emma Williams, MyInfluencer is the go-to platform for finding the right influencers for your brand. The tool's detailed analysis and curated influencer lists save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on creating engaging campaigns. From indie films to beauty products, MyInfluencer has helped businesses across various industries connect with influencers who resonate with their brand's ethos. Start your influencer marketing journey with MyInfluencer today and see the impact it can have on your business.

If you're looking to promote a downtown Phoenix coffee shop to young professionals, MyInfluencer is your go-to solution for finding local micro-influencers on Instagram and TikTok. The tool provides a curated list of micro influencers and nano influencers tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you reach the right audience. MyInfluencer's real-time data and AI technology analyze your brief to match you with influencers who align with your brand and campaign goals. Join the growing number of businesses finding success with influencer marketing on MyInfluencer.

Myinfluencer Features

Feature 1: Analyze & Search

Describe the purpose and significance of Analyze & Search.
  • MyInfluencer's Analyze & Search feature allows users to input their needs and receive expert analysis with a curated list of micro influencers and nano influencers tailored to their business. Users can simply describe their requirements and receive a customized list of influencers that match their specific needs and goals.

Feature 2: Latest Briefs with Analysis

Describe the purpose and significance of Latest Briefs with Analysis.
  • MyInfluencer's Latest Briefs with Analysis feature provides users with real-time data and curated lists of micro & nano influencers based on the latest trends in the market. Users can stay updated on current influencer trends and ensure that their influencer marketing strategy remains effective and relevant.

Feature 3: Curated Micro Influencer & Nano Influencer List

Describe the purpose and significance of Curated Micro Influencer & Nano Influencer List.
  • MyInfluencer's Curated Micro Influencer & Nano Influencer List feature offers users a curated list of influencers who match their unique business needs. Users can connect with micro influencers and nano influencers who create organic and authentic content, leading to higher engagement rates for their campaigns.

Feature 4: Real-time Influencer Data Update

Describe the purpose and significance of Real-time Influencer Data Update.
  • MyInfluencer's Real-time Influencer Data Update ensures that users always have access to the latest information on influencers. This feature guarantees that users can stay informed about current trends and make data-driven decisions for their influencer marketing campaigns.

How to Use Myinfluencer?

Step 1: Getting Started with MyInfluencer
  • Navigate to the MyInfluencer website.
  • Sign up for a free account or log in if you already have one.
Step 2: Inputting Your Brief
  • Locate the 'Input Brief' section on the MyInfluencer dashboard.
  • Describe your business needs and campaign goals in detail.
  • Specify the type of influencers you are looking for (e.g., micro-influencers, nano-influencers).
  • Select the social media platform(s) relevant to your campaign (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, TikTok).
Step 3: Analyzing Your Brief
  • Click on the 'Analyze & Search' button to submit your brief.
  • MyInfluencer will combine AI technology and expert market analysis to evaluate your brief.
  • Wait a few moments while MyInfluencer processes your information.
Step 4: Receiving Curated Influencer List
  • Review the preliminary analysis results which will be available almost instantly.
  • Within minutes, receive a full, curated list of influencers tailored to your brief.
  • Examine the scores and evaluation reasoning provided by MyInfluencer to help make your decisions.
Step 5: Selecting Influencers
  • Browse through the curated list of influencers provided by MyInfluencer.
  • Evaluate influencer profiles and their match scores in line with your campaign goals.
  • Select the influencers who align best with your brand's style and ethos.
Step 6: Performing Outreach
  • Use email or direct messages to reach out to your chosen influencers.
  • Personalize your communications to ensure better engagement and establish a connection.
  • Continue to personalize interactions during the content production process.
Step 7: Monitoring and Updating
  • Keep track of the influencers' engagement and the impact on your campaign.
  • If needed, update your brief and have MyInfluencer re-analyze to find additional or alternative influencers.
  • Make sure to leverage the real-time data from MyInfluencer to stay current with trends and make informed decisions.
Step 8: Using Analysis Results for Commercial Purposes
  • Utilize the analytics results provided by MyInfluencer in your commercial campaigns.
  • Incorporate the curated content and insights from influencers into your marketing material.
  • Note that ownership of content remains with influencers and social media platforms.

Myinfluencer Pricing

  • Free Plan

    Basic access to search and analysis tools for finding micro and nano influencers.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Instant preliminary analysis

    Full curated influencer list in minutes

    Access to real-time updated influencer data

    Personal and commercial use of analytics results

Myinfluencer Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use MyInfluencer?

How does MyInfluencer analyze the brief?

How does MyInfluencer evaluate if influencers are a good fit for my business?

Why micro influencers and nano influencers?

How to perform outreach to influencers?

Can I find influencers for specific niches or industries?

How do I find YouTube influencers specifically versus Instagram & TikTok influencers?