Lekko is a revolutionary dynamic configuration tool simplifying software development. It allows real-time code updates, manages configurations through a user-friendly Web UI, and prevents costly incidents by enforcing testing processes. Visit Lekko's website for more details.

Dynamic Functions
Comprehensive Configuration Management
Ease of Use and Collaborative Functionality

What is Lekko?

Lekko is a revolutionary dynamic configuration tool that is changing the way software is developed and managed. With Lekko, engineers can easily update code at runtime, without the need for complex rebuilds or risking customer incidents. The platform provides a user-friendly control panel for making live changes to functions, ensuring that daily updates can be done safely and efficiently.

At the core of Lekko lies its dynamic functions, which are seamlessly integrated into the codebase to fetch updated versions at runtime. This innovative approach reduces complexity and improves traceability, giving developers more control over their configurations. With Lekko, you can create approved configurations and manage who can deploy them to customers, all through the intuitive Web UI.

One of the standout features of Lekko is its ability to prevent costly incidents caused by misconfigurations. By ensuring that changes don't bypass unit tests or validation processes, Lekko helps eliminate the risk of untested code reaching customers. Additionally, the platform tackles technical debt by keeping code clean and free of stale feature flags, making debugging and maintenance a breeze.

Lekko Features

Dynamic Functions

Dynamic Functions in Lekko allow users to insert changeable functions into their codebase. These functions can be easily modified at runtime, providing a more flexible and efficient approach compared to traditional feature flagging.
  • Lekko wraps functions at build time to fetch updated versions at runtime, reducing complexity in code behavior. Users can validate, test, and prevent issues as Lekko changes do not bypass unit tests, validation, and CI processes.
  • Approved configurations can be created and controlled using Lekko's Web UI, allowing developers to delegate daily control to team members safely.
  • Users can define dynamic functions in their code by easily merging code with new functions. Lekko mirrors the new function and enables modifications at runtime.

Comprehensive Configuration Management

Lekko offers a comprehensive approach to configuration management, addressing common issues such as misconfigurations leading to software outages, technical debt from obsolete feature flags, and wasted resources in incident response.
  • Lekko helps reduce outages by lowering the incidence of poorly implemented feature flags, managing configurations with AI-assisted tasks, and accelerating product development by minimizing time spent on flag cleanup.
  • Users can manage risk by preventing customers from receiving untested code, reducing technical debt, and implementing safe configuration changes.

Ease of Use and Collaborative Functionality

Lekko's platform not only focuses on technical capabilities but also emphasizes user experience and collaborative functionality. The platform enables seamless collaboration between developers, testers, and other team members.
  • Users can easily insert dynamic functions into their codebase, allowing for live updates and modifications without disrupting workflow.
  • The platform's Web UI simplifies configuration management by providing a user-friendly interface for controlling configurations and delegating responsibilities to team members.
  • Lekko facilitates efficient communication and collaboration, reducing the time and effort required to implement and manage dynamic configurations.

How to Use Lekko?

Step 1: Sign Up and Log In
  • Navigate to Lekko's homepage.
  • Click on the 'Sign Up' button if you don’t have an account, or 'Log In' if you are an existing user.
  • Fill in your email and create a password to complete the sign-up process.
  • Check your email for a verification link and click on it to verify your account.
Step 2: Create a New Lekko
  • Once logged in, navigate to the 'Dashboard' on Lekko.
  • Click on the 'Create New Lekko' button.
  • Fill out the required fields, such as the 'Function Name' and description.
  • Click 'Save' to create your new dynamic function.
Step 3: Define Dynamic Functions in Your Code
  • Open your code editor and identify the function you want to make dynamic.
  • Wrap the function using Lekko's provided syntax. For example, in Go:
  • ```go func getGenerationParams(plan string) *LlmConfig { if plan == "enterprise" || plan == "team" { return &LlmConfig{ Model: "openai-chatgpt4-o", Temperature: 0.7, TokenLimit: 8192, } } return &LlmConfig{ Model: "openai-chatgpt3.5-turbo", Temperature: 1.0, TokenLimit: 4096, } } ```
  • Save your changes and commit them to your repository.
Step 4: Update Function Configuration at Runtime
  • Navigate to the 'Configurations' tab in Lekko.
  • Select the Lekko you created from the list of available functions.
  • Update the function parameters as needed directly in the Lekko UI.
  • Click 'Save' to apply the changes immediately.
Step 5: Group and Validate Configurations
  • Navigate to the 'Groups' tab in Lekko.
  • Click on 'Create New Group' and give it a name.
  • Add the desired Lekkos to the group by selecting them from the list.
  • Click 'Save' to create the group.
  • To validate the group, click on 'Validate Configuration', and Lekko will run checks to ensure everything is set correctly.
Step 6: Delegate Daily Configuration Tasks
  • Navigate to the 'Permissions' tab in Lekko.
  • Select the team members you want to delegate tasks to.
  • Assign them the necessary permissions like 'Edit', 'Deploy', or 'View'.
  • Click 'Save' to confirm the permissions.
Step 7: Monitoring and Debugging
  • Navigate to the 'Monitoring' tab in Lekko.
  • Check the status and logs of your dynamic functions.
  • Use Lekko's analytics to track performance metrics.
  • If any issues are detected, use the 'Debug' feature to drill down into the function's runtime behavior.
Step 8: Iterate and Improve
  • Regularly review your configurations and performance metrics in Lekko.
  • Use the insights gained to tweak and improve your dynamic functions.
  • Repeat the above steps as necessary to ensure optimal performance and stability.

Lekko Pricing

  • Free

    Use up to 25 lekkos free forever.


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    Up to 25 concurrent lekkos

    SDKs for all supported languages

    UI for live lekko editing

    Business user friendly config interface

    Automated stale config removal

  • Team

    Perfect for growing teams.

    $500/mo per 25 lekkos

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    Everything from Free

    Non-Github logins

    Full AI automation + issue prevention (Coming Soon)

  • Enterprise

    Tailor a plan to meet the unique needs of your organization.

    Contact Us

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    Arrow Right

    Everything from Team

    RBAC & team structure

    Product definition interface

Lekko Frequently Asked Questions

What's a Lekko?

How does dynamic configuration differ from feature flagging / management?

Is this different from LaunchDarkly, Unleash and other feature flag tools?

How do you differ from experimentation tools like Statsig, Split, and Optimizely?

Why can’t I build this myself?