LearnerOn is a cutting-edge Learning eXperience Platform that focuses on personalized learning experiences, AI-powered engine, and curated learning catalog to nurture a learning culture in companies.

AI-Powered Smart Learning Platform
Catalogue of Templates for Occupations, Skill Models, Roles Design Studio

What is Learneron?

LearnerOn is a cutting-edge Learning eXperience Platform that caters to the needs of Talent Leaders by providing highly personalizable learning and development experiences. With LearnerOn, companies of all sizes can easily track skills and knowledge progress at both individual and team levels. The platform supports a successful transition to a Learning Organization by streamlining the L&D process with a single digital hub that integrates a vast catalogue of learning resources, skills, and occupations.

One of LearnerOn's key features is its AI-powered engine that offers personalized and engaging learning experiences to learners. The platform enables user self-service, peer-to-peer learning, and top-down learning modes, making it easy to track learning progress and monitor skills growth. LearnerOn empowers team leaders to monitor compliance, participation in learning initiatives, and progress of skill gains both at the team and individual level, all through an intuitive interface.

What sets LearnerOn apart is its focus on satisfying individual learning needs. The platform boasts a carefully curated learning catalog with over 500,000 courses, videos, articles, podcasts, code, and more. Additionally, LearnerOn provides templates for occupations, skill models, and a roles design studio, allowing companies to provide engaging and individualized learning experiences to their teams. With LearnerOn, companies can nurture a learning culture, design meaningful learning programs, and focus on skills development in an informed way.

Learneron Features

AI-Powered Smart Learning Platform

LearnerOn offers an AI-powered smart learning platform designed for companies of all sizes with a focus on individual learning needs. This cutting-edge Learning eXperience Platform provides Talent Leaders with a highly customizable learning and development experience for colleagues. It also allows for skills and knowledge progress tracking at the level of individuals or entire teams, supporting successful transition to a Learning Organization.
  • The AI-powered engine of LearnerOn offers personalized and engaging learning experiences by suggesting the next steps in the learning journey based on individual skills, gaps, and career aspirations. It takes into account personal preferences and tailors learning paths accordingly. Additionally, it enables user self-service, peer-to-peer, and top-down learning modes, making it easy to track learning progress and monitor skills growth.
  • The platform integrates a catalogue of learning resources, skills, and occupations in a single digital platform. It streamlines the L&D process by offering templates for skills and roles, personalized learning paths, and a mentoring channel for feedback and guidance.

Catalogue of Templates for Occupations, Skill Models, Roles Design Studio

LearnerOn offers a comprehensive catalogue of templates for occupations, skill models, and a roles design studio to provide teams with an engaging and individualized learning experience. These templates are designed to help shape the skill profiles of employees and focus on the right learning for respective skills and team members.
  • The roles integrated with learning materials ensure that employees have access to relevant content for their specific job functions. The occupations design studio allows for the creation of customized learning paths based on career goals and skill development needs. The mentoring and feedback channels facilitate ongoing support and guidance for continuous improvement.

How to Use Learneron?

Step 1: Sign Up and Login
  • Visit LearnerOn on a desktop browser for an optimized experience.
  • Click the 'Signup' button on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Fill out the required information to create your account.
  • After signing up, click the 'Login' button to access your account.
Step 2: Customize Your Profile
  • Once logged in, click on your profile icon at the top right.
  • Select 'Edit Profile' from the dropdown menu.
  • Fill in your personal details and preferences.
  • Click 'Save' to update your profile.
Step 3: Exploring the Catalogue
  • Go to the 'Catalogue' section from the main menu.
  • Browse through over 500,000 learning materials including courses, videos, and articles.
  • Utilize the search bar to find specific skills or topics.
  • Use filters to narrow down your search results.
Step 4: Assign Learning Materials
  • Navigate to the 'Learning Assignment Central' under the admin cockpit.
  • Select the team or individual you want to assign learning materials to.
  • Choose the relevant learning materials from the catalogue.
  • Click 'Assign' to distribute the selected materials.
Step 5: Create Learning Paths and Collections
  • Go to 'My Learning Paths' under your profile settings.
  • Click 'Create New Path' or 'Create New Collection'.
  • Add learning resources from the catalogue to your path or collection.
  • Organize the materials in sequential order for paths or categorize them for collections.
  • Save your learning path or collection, and make it public if you wish to share.
Step 6: Monitor Progress and Analytics
  • Access the 'Compliance and Progress Dashboards' from the admin cockpit.
  • View detailed analytics on the learning activities of your team or individuals.
  • Check progress reports to see skill development and compliance.
  • Use this data to inform future learning assignments and development strategies.
Step 7: Participate in Mentoring and Feedback
  • Go to the 'Mentoring Channel' from the main menu.
  • Connect with mentors or peers for guidance and support.
  • Provide and receive feedback on completed learning tasks.
  • Use the feedback to further improve and tailor your learning experience.
Step 8: Utilize AI-Powered Recommendations
  • Enable AI recommendations in your profile settings.
  • The AI will suggest learning resources based on your skills, gaps, and career aspirations.
  • Follow the suggested learning paths to efficiently achieve your learning goals.
Step 9: Request a Demo
  • If you're an organization considering LearnerOn, click 'Request a demo' from the main menu.
  • Fill out the required information and submit the request.
  • Wait for a representative to contact you to schedule a demo session.

Learneron Frequently Asked Questions

What does LearnerOn help with?

Who is LearnerOn for?

How much will LearnerOn cost us?

What if we want to try LearnerOn?

Do we need to implement LearnerOn?

What learning materials are available via LearnerOn?

What are Learning Paths and Learning Collections, indeed?

Who is curating the Learning Paths? How can I compose my Learning Path or Collection myself? Can I make it public for other fellow learners?

What if I get lost on the site and need advice?