Leap AI is a groundbreaking AI platform that boosts business growth by automating marketing and sales tasks. It offers a wide range of AI tools, security features, and research agents to help businesses succeed and achieve exceptional results.

SEO Blog Writer
Research Lead & Generate Personalized Email
SEO Keyword Research

What is Leap Ai?

Leap AI is a revolutionary AI platform that empowers businesses to supercharge their growth through AI automation. With Leap AI, marketing and sales teams can scale their operations seamlessly by automating content generation, email outreach, and more. The platform offers a wide range of pre-built templates that make it easy to get started for free. Leap AI's innovative approach to AI technology ensures that businesses can achieve their growth goals efficiently and effectively.

Leap AI offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools and workflows designed to optimize marketing and sales processes. From generating SEO-friendly blog content to personalized email outreach, Leap AI covers all aspects of digital marketing and lead generation. The platform's flexible workflow builder allows businesses to customize AI workflows tailored to their specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness. With Leap AI, businesses can harness the power of AI to drive growth and success.

Leap AI's advanced AI models, including OpenAI GPT and Anthropic Claude, enable businesses to create high-quality content in their brand voice, engage their audience effectively, and streamline their operations. The platform also prioritizes security and privacy, with robust features to protect user data. Leap AI's 'smart' research agents gather information from diverse sources like Google, LinkedIn, and Ahrefs, providing businesses with valuable insights to drive their strategies forward. With Leap AI, businesses can revolutionize their marketing and sales efforts, scale up their operations, and achieve exceptional results.

Leap Ai Features

SEO Blog Writer

Leap AI's SEO Blog Writer feature is designed to help users automate the process of creating high-quality, search engine-friendly articles at scale. By incorporating AI automation from keyword research to content generation, users can drive organic traffic and boost online visibility.
  • The SEO Blog Writer feature utilizes AI technology to research keywords, analyze content, and produce well-structured articles that are optimized for SEO. Users can input their company information and sitemap to receive suggestions on keywords to target for improved ranking.
  • The tool streamlines the content creation process, ensuring that articles are not only search engine-friendly but also engaging and informative for readers. This feature helps users save time and effort by automating the writing process from start to finish.

Research Lead & Generate Personalized Email

Leap AI's Research Lead & Generate Personalized Email feature is designed to revolutionize the lead management process by automating the identification of new leads and streamlining personalized outreach. By leveraging AI technology, users can optimize their sales process for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
  • This feature uses GPT, Google Search, and LinkedIn to find new leads that align with the user's target market. By automating the lead generation process, users can save time and resources while ensuring that their outreach is targeted and personalized.
  • The tool guides users through the process of crafting personalized emails based on the information gathered from research. By automating the outreach process, users can improve their response rates and convert leads into customers more effectively.

SEO Keyword Research

Leap AI's SEO Keyword Research feature is designed to help users uncover untapped SEO ranking potential for their website or blog. By utilizing AI technology to analyze keywords and suggest optimization strategies, users can improve their search engine visibility and attract more organic traffic.
  • The SEO Keyword Research feature works by analyzing the user's company information, website sitemap, and existing content to identify keywords with high ranking potential. Users receive suggestions on keywords to target for improved SEO performance and increased online visibility.
  • The tool streamlines the keyword research process, providing users with valuable insights into their SEO strategy and helping them prioritize keywords that will drive the most significant results. By automating keyword analysis, users can save time and make informed decisions about their content strategy.

How to Use Leap Ai?

Step 1: Get Started with Leap AI
  • Visit the Leap AI homepage by going to their website.
  • Click on the 'Get Started for Free' button prominently displayed on the homepage.
  • Create an account by providing your email address and setting a password or log in with an existing account.
Step 2: Explore Pre-built Templates
  • Once logged in, navigate to the 'Templates' section using the main menu.
  • Browse through the available pre-built templates categorized under Marketing and Sales.
  • Select a template that suits your needs, such as 'SEO Blog Writer' or 'Research Lead & Generate Personalized Email'.
Step 3: Customize Your Workflow
  • Click on the selected template to open its details and customization options.
  • Review the workflow steps outlined in the template and identify any fields that require your input, such as keywords or email addresses.
  • Fill in the necessary details and adjust settings according to your preferences.
Step 4: Integrate with Existing Tools
  • Go to the 'Integrations' section in Leap AI.
  • Connect Leap AI with existing tools you use, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, or Slack by following the integration instructions.
  • Authorize Leap AI to access these tools, ensuring seamless data flow and enhanced automation capabilities.
Step 5: Run Your Automated Workflow
  • Navigate back to the customized workflow template you set up.
  • Click on the 'Run Workflow' button to initiate the process.
  • Monitor the workflow progress and review the results generated by Leap AI.
Step 6: Review and Adjust
  • Evaluate the output produced by Leap AI to ensure it meets your expectations.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the workflow settings for better results in subsequent runs.
  • Utilize the 'Smart Research Agents' to leverage additional insights and refine your workflows further.
Step 7: Scale Your Efforts
  • Explore additional tools and workflows offered by Leap AI to cover more aspects of your marketing and sales processes.
  • Upgrade to a higher plan (Pro, Growth, or Enterprise) as your needs expand to benefit from advanced features and increased task limits.
  • Continuously automate and optimize your tasks to supercharge your growth with Leap AI.

Leap Ai Pricing

  • Pro

    Get started with automation

    $179/ month

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    1,000 Tasks ($10/100 additional)

    15,000 AI Credits ($5/1,000 additional)

    1 User

    Access to Workflow Editor

    All Text Models (OpenAI GPT, Anthropic Claude)

    All Image Models

    Limited Integrations

    Smart Research Agents

    3rd Party Triggers

  • Growth

    Scale your business

    $849/ month

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    10,000 Tasks ($8/100 additional)

    75,000 AI Credits ($4/1,000 additional)

    3 Users

    Everything in Pro plus:

    Copy in Your Brand Voice

    Context on Your Business

    Advanced Integrations

    Run in Bulk

    Automation Scheduler

    API Access

    Slack Connect Support

  • Enterprise

    Customized for your needs


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Custom Tasks

    Custom AI Credits

    Unlimited Users

    Everything in Team plus:

    BYO API Key


    Enterprise SSO

    Dedicated Account Manager

    Custom Workflow Development

    Zero-Data Retention

    Custom Integrations

    Custom Agents

Leap Ai Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a task?

What happens if I reach my plan's task limit?

Can you help me set up my workflows?

Is it possible to use my own OpenAI or Anthropic keys?

What kind of integrations are available?