Kartiv revolutionizes eCommerce and marketing agencies with AI-powered visual content tools. Founder Priscaël praises its impact on Uma Well, boosting sales and creating engaging product visuals for Amazon, Shopify, and Etsy kits. Transform your eCommerce success with Kartiv's dynamic product videos and AI photo generator.

Feature 1: Automated Visual Content Creation
Feature 2: AI-Powered Optimization
Feature 3: 360° Videos and 3D Product Animation

What is Kartiv?

Kartiv is truly a game-changer for eCommerce and marketing agencies looking to enhance their visual content. With features like 360° videos, white background options, and AI-powered photo generation, Kartiv makes it easy to create captivating product images and videos that drive sales. The platform's solutions cater to eComm stores, agencies, and resellers, offering Amazon, Shopify, and Etsy kits to meet different business needs. Kartiv's tools are designed to boost sales with visually stunning product photos and videos, showcasing products in the best possible light. The platform's user-friendly interface and vetted creatives make it easy to create engaging visuals that hook customers and increase conversions.

Priscaël Tovolahy-Gauvin, founder of Uma Well, attests to the effectiveness of Kartiv in transforming her business. By utilizing Kartiv's capabilities to showcase products in various settings on social media and the website, Priscaël saved time and money while increasing sales. The platform's AI-powered optimization allows users to experiment with different creative variations, ensuring that they find the most resonant visuals for their target audience. Kartiv's dynamic product videos provide a multidimensional view of products, engaging customers and bringing products to life in an impactful way. By driving growth through visual storytelling, Kartiv enables businesses to establish trust, boost conversions, and directly impact sales gains.

If you're looking to boost sales and enhance your eCommerce store with eye-catching visuals, Kartiv is the solution for you. With easy creation tools, engaging visuals, and sales boosters like AI product photos and product videos, Kartiv empowers businesses to showcase their products effectively and drive growth. Whether you're an eComm store, agency, or reseller, Kartiv offers tailored solutions to help you achieve your sales goals. The platform's AI photo generator and dynamic product videos make it easy to create compelling content that resonates with customers and boosts conversions. Start your visual storytelling journey with Kartiv and experience the difference that high-quality product photos and videos can make in your eCommerce success.

Kartiv Features

Feature 1: Automated Visual Content Creation

Automated Visual Content Creation is a key feature of Kartiv that provides users with the ability to effortlessly generate high-quality product photos and videos for their eCommerce and marketing needs.
  • Users can upload their product image or have Kartiv create a 3D model for them.
  • The AI generator, guided by creative experts, then produces multiple visual variations for users to review and select the best images and videos to download.
  • This feature streamlines the content creation process, saving users time and effort in producing engaging visuals for their online stores.

Feature 2: AI-Powered Optimization

The AI-Powered Optimization feature of Kartiv enables users to experiment with various creative variations of their product visuals to find what resonates most with their audience.
  • Users can leverage AI technology to generate multiple creative variations of their product images and videos.
  • By rapidly iterating and testing different visual elements, users can optimize their content to drive better engagement and conversions.
  • This feature empowers users to continuously refine and improve their visual storytelling to achieve maximum impact on their target audience.

Feature 3: 360° Videos and 3D Product Animation

Kartiv's 360° Videos and 3D Product Animation feature enables users to showcase their products in stunning visual formats that engage customers and bring their products to life.
  • Users can create dynamic 360° videos and captivating 3D animations to provide customers with a multidimensional view of their products.
  • These interactive visual elements not only grab customer attention but also enhance the shopping experience by offering a detailed look at the products.
  • By incorporating 360° videos and 3D animations, users can differentiate their brand and stand out in a crowded eCommerce landscape.

How to Use Kartiv?

Step 1: Sign Up and Create Your Account
  • Visit Kartiv's homepage at www.kartiv.com.
  • Click on the 'Get Started' button.
  • Fill in your details such as name, email address, and password to create an account.
  • Verify your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your inbox.
Step 2: Upload Your Product Images
  • Log in to your Kartiv account.
  • Navigate to the dashboard and click on 'Upload Product Images'.
  • Select the images from your computer that you want to showcase.
  • Confirm the upload and wait for the images to be processed.
Step 3: Create 3D Models or Use AI-Generated Content
  • If you have a 3D model of your product, upload it directly.
  • If not, choose the option to have Kartiv create a 3D model for you.
  • For AI-generated content, select 'AI Product Photos' from the dashboard.
  • Let Kartiv's AI generate multiple creative variations of your product images.
Step 4: Review and Select Visuals
  • After the AI has generated multiple variations, go to the 'Review' section in Kartiv.
  • Look through the AI-generated images and videos.
  • Select the best images and videos that accurately showcase your product.
  • Click 'Download Selected' to save them to your computer.
Step 5: Enhance Product Listings with Visual Content
  • Log into your eCommerce platform (Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, etc.).
  • Navigate to the product listing you wish to enhance.
  • Replace the existing images and videos with the new ones from Kartiv.
  • Ensure the visual content is properly aligned and displayed in the right sections of your listings.
Step 6: Share On Social Media
  • Go to your social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) and create a new post.
  • Upload the high-quality product photos and videos downloaded from Kartiv.
  • Write engaging captions that highlight your product's features.
  • Tag your post with relevant hashtags and click 'Post'.
Step 7: Monitor and Optimize
  • Regularly check the analytics on your eCommerce and social media platforms.
  • Track performance metrics such as engagement, click-through rates, and conversions.
  • Return to Kartiv to generate new visuals if needed or to iterate on existing ones.
  • Continuously adapt and optimize your visual content based on customer feedback and performance data.

Kartiv Pricing

  • Basic

    Simple, transparent, perfect for you. Get top-quality visuals without breaking the bank. Select a plan to access all our tools and enjoy a 7-day trial period.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    75 generation per month

    3 products

    2 projects

    Image downloads only

  • Pro

    Simple, transparent, perfect for you. Get top-quality visuals without breaking the bank. Select a plan to access all our tools and enjoy a 7-day trial period.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    300 generations per month

    25 products

    Unlimited projects

    Image downloads

    50 video downloads per month

  • Enterprise

    Simple, transparent, perfect for you. Get top-quality visuals without breaking the bank. Select a plan to access all our tools and enjoy a 7-day trial period.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Custom videos and photos

    More generations per month

    Enhanced project management

    Dedicated account manager

    Premium support

Kartiv Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kartiv?

How can Kartiv help my online store?

What features does Kartiv offer for eCommerce agencies?

How does Kartiv use AI to improve visual content creation?

Can Kartiv help in increasing conversions within a specific timeframe?

Who is Priscaël Tovolahy-Gauvin and what is their experience with Kartiv?