Hex is a powerful collaborative tool for data analysis and visualization, offering deep integrations with popular data warehouses and APIs. It empowers users to create a wide range of data applications and insights effortlessly. Visit Hex's website for more information.

Feature 1: Data Exploration Superpowers
Feature 2: Magical AI Built-in

What is Hex?

Hex is the ultimate tool for bringing everyone together with data. With Hex, you can go from quick queries to deep-dive analyses to beautiful interactive data apps - all in one collaborative, AI-powered workspace. Hex is trusted by leading data teams to streamline workflows and empower users with data exploration superpowers. The modular, notebook-based canvas in Hex allows users to work with SQL, Python, R, pivots, spreadsheets, and charts seamlessly. Hex also offers magical AI capabilities built right in, making it easy to generate queries, write code, create visualizations, fix bugs, and kickstart whole analyses. The collaboration features in Hex make teamwork efficient and effective, allowing users to get feedback, align with stakeholders, review different views, and build from reusable components. With Hex, users can publish their work into beautiful reports, data apps, and dashboards using the drag-and-drop UI builder. Hex is setting a new standard for data work and is already helping thousands of teams achieve more with their data.

Hex provides instant integration with the whole stack, making it easy to connect with popular data warehouses, APIs, and databases. With out-of-the-box connections and flexible APIs, users can set up data connections effortlessly and securely share them with their team. Hex is built for the warehouse, with deep integrations with tools like dbt, Snowflake, and Spark, enabling users to push Python code to remote execution environments seamlessly. The software also offers easy orchestration with integrations with tools like Airflow, Dagster, and Prefect, allowing users to include Hex projects in data pipelines. Hex's API enables users to connect to any tool or platform using a powerful public API. From a security standpoint, Hex ensures enterprise-grade security with compliance to regulations like SOC2, HIPAA, and privacy regulations. The software offers flexible deployment models, easy authentication and authorization with SSO, and secure database connections with SSL and pass-through OAuth.

Hex empowers users to build anything with data, from complex ML forecasting to critical business dashboards. The software provides a wide range of templates and tools for data clustering, data modeling, sentiment analysis, time series analysis, KPI dashboards, natural language processing, exploratory analysis, and data visualization. Users can unleash the power of data clustering, transform raw data into predictive models, monitor business KPIs, track sentiment in text data, visualize data trends over time, and much more with Hex. The interactive visualizations, dashboards, and data apps in Hex help users turn raw data into actionable insights. Getting started with Hex is easy - simply connect it to your data warehouse and explore the endless possibilities of working with data. Hex is a comprehensive solution for all your data needs, designed to make data work seamless, efficient, and enjoyable.

Hex Features

Feature 1: Data Exploration Superpowers

Data Exploration Superpowers in Hex allow users to combine SQL, Python, R, pivots, spreadsheets, and charts in one modular, notebook-based canvas. This feature enables users to perform quick queries and deep-dive analyses in a collaborative, AI-powered workspace.
  • Users can generate queries, write code, create visualizations, fix bugs, and kickstart whole analyses from a prompt.
  • Users can roll up average retention over time for all segments, get all order trends for the last few years split out by category, and answer specific questions like how many dumplings were sold last month or how many were stolen by Izzy.
  • The feature also allows users to calculate the number of shoe cakes that could have been purchased with earnings.

Feature 2: Magical AI Built-in

Magical AI built-in to Hex empowers users to quickly generate queries, write code, create visualizations, and kickstart analyses all from a prompt. This feature enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of data analysis tasks.
  • Users can leverage AI capabilities to automate tasks such as querying, coding, visualizing data, and starting analyses with ease.
  • The feature allows users to conduct advanced analyses, such as calculating average retention over time, determining order trends by category, and investigating specific data points like the number of dumplings sold last month or stolen by a particular individual.
  • Users can also explore AI tools for enhanced data processing and analysis.

How to Use Hex?

Step 1: Getting Started
  • Visit the Hex website to start: [Hex] (https://hex.tech)
  • Click on 'Get started for free' or 'Talk to us' to sign up or contact Hex for enterprise options
  • Create an account by providing necessary details and verifying your email
Step 2: Connecting to Your Data Warehouse
  • Log into your Hex account
  • Navigate to the 'Integrations' section
  • Select your data warehouse type (e.g., Postgres, Snowflake, MySQL)
  • Provide necessary credentials and establish a connection to your data source
Step 3: Creating Your First Notebook
  • On Hex, go to the 'Notebooks' section
  • Click on 'Create New Notebook'
  • Choose a programming language (SQL, Python, R) or a spreadsheet format for your notebook
  • Name your notebook and click 'Create'
Step 4: Exploring Data
  • Open the newly created notebook on Hex
  • Write a SQL query or Python script to fetch data from your connected warehouse
  • Use available functions to manipulate and analyze data
  • Run your code and explore the results in an interactive manner
Step 5: Creating Visualizations
  • Within your Hex notebook, click on 'Add Chart' or 'Add Visualization' option
  • Select the type of visualization (e.g., bar chart, line chart, pivot table)
  • Configure data fields and chart settings based on your analysis
  • Insert the visualization into your notebook for better insights
Step 6: Utilizing Hex's AI Tools
  • In your Hex notebook, click on the 'AI Tools' option
  • Type a prompt or query into the AI assistant box (e.g., 'Generate a query for sales data')
  • Use AI-generated code or suggestions to enhance your data analysis
  • Incorporate these suggestions into your notebook interactively
Step 7: Collaborating with Your Team
  • Share your notebook by clicking on the 'Share' button
  • Invite teammates by entering their email addresses
  • Use the 'Comments' feature in Hex to gather feedback and discuss analysis
  • Review and endorse trusted data before finalizing your project
Step 8: Building Interactive Data Apps
  • Navigate to the 'App Builder' section on Hex
  • Drag and drop elements to create your data app dashboard
  • Configure data sources and visualizations for dynamic updates
  • Use the drag-and-drop UI builder to design intuitive and informative apps
Step 9: Publishing and Sharing Insights
  • Once satisfied with your analysis, click on 'Publish' in Hex
  • Choose to publish as a report, data app, or dashboard
  • Set access permissions and share the published link with stakeholders
  • Update and maintain the published content as needed

Hex Frequently Asked Questions

What data sources can I connect to Hex?

How can Hex help with data exploration?

How can I collaborate with my team using Hex?

Can I publish my work in Hex into interactive apps and reports?

Is Hex secure for enterprise use?