Guider is the ultimate travel companion offering GPS-based navigation through 100+ cities worldwide. Explore India, USA, Egypt, and more with curated tours and insider tips. Available in multiple languages, it caters to all ages and continually updates content. Install Guider now for a seamless exploration experience!

Step-by-Step Navigation
Exciting Insights & Insider Tips
Constantly new Features
Discover over 100 Cities in One App

What is Guider?

Guider is the ultimate travel companion for those looking to explore the world stress-free and effortlessly. With its GPS-based step-by-step navigation, you can navigate through over 100 fascinating cities around the world without missing a single highlight or hidden gem. The app is completely free and ad-free, allowing you to enjoy a seamless exploration experience without any interruptions. Guider provides exciting insights, insider tips, and constantly updates its content to ensure you never miss out on an exciting new discovery.

Discover the wonders of India with Guider, where you can explore the rich culture, stunning landmarks, and culinary diversity of this captivating country. From the vibrant metropolises of Mumbai and Delhi to the serene natural paradises of the USA, Guider offers curated tours that take you off the beaten path and provide an authentic adventure. Experience Egypt like never before with local experts guiding you through the vibrant cities of Cairo and Alexandria, immersing you in millennia-old traditions and the unique blend of ancient and modern. Whether you're exploring Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, or Middle America, Guider has you covered with its extensive list of cities and tours.

Guider is the go-to app for anyone looking to make the most out of their travels. With tours available in English, German, and Spanish, Guider caters to a diverse audience of travelers seeking unforgettable experiences. Families with children can also enjoy exploring together, as Guider's tours are suitable for all ages. The app is continuously updated with new cities, tours, and content, ensuring that you always have access to the latest information. So why wait? Install the Guider app now and start making every trip an unforgettable experience!

Guider Features

Step-by-Step Navigation

Step-by-Step Navigation with Guider's GPS-based system allows users to explore cities stress-free and effortlessly. It ensures that users never miss a highlight or hidden gem again, guiding them safely to every attraction.
  • Using Guider's GPS-based step-by-step navigation is simple. Users just need to select their desired destination or attraction within the app, and Guider will provide turn-by-turn directions to get there.
  • Guider also offers real-time updates and alternate routes in case of road closures or traffic congestion, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free exploration experience for users.

Exciting Insights & Insider Tips

Guider provides users with exciting background information, historical facts, local legends, and insider tips for every attraction, offering a whole new perspective on each city.
  • Users can access this information by selecting a specific attraction or point of interest within Guider. The app will then provide detailed insights and tips related to that location, enriching users' overall experience.
  • Guider's curated content not only informs users about the history and significance of attractions but also enhances their understanding and appreciation of the local culture and traditions.

Constantly new Features

Guider continually releases exciting new features that make traveling easier, more enjoyable, and stress-free.
  • New features are regularly added to Guider through app updates, ensuring that users have access to the latest tools and technologies for their travel needs.
  • These features may include improved navigation capabilities, additional language support, enhanced user interface, and integration with third-party services to enhance the overall travel experience.

Discover over 100 Cities in One App

Guider offers users the opportunity to explore over 100 fascinating cities around the world within a single app, making it a comprehensive travel companion for globetrotters.
  • Users can browse through the list of cities available on Guider and select their desired destination to access detailed information, tours, and navigation guides for that city.
  • The app covers a wide range of cities across different continents, ensuring that users have access to diverse travel experiences and cultural insights without the need for multiple apps or guides.

How to Use Guider?

Step 1: Download and Install Guider
  • Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Search for 'Guider' in the search bar.
  • Locate the Guider app (look for the trademark logo) and tap 'Get' to download.
  • Wait for the app to download and install on your device.
  • Once installed, open the Guider app by tapping on its icon.
Step 2: Create an Account or Log In
  • Open the Guider app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on 'Sign Up' to create a new account or 'Log In' if you already have an account.
  • If signing up, fill in your email, create a password, and follow the prompts to complete the registration.
  • If logging in, enter your registered email and password, then tap 'Log In'.
Step 3: Explore Available Cities
  • After logging in, navigate to the 'Discover' section from the main menu.
  • Browse through the list of over 100 cities around the world available on Guider.
  • Use the search bar if you are looking for a specific city.
Step 4: Select and Start a Tour
  • Choose the city you wish to explore from the list.
  • Review the available tours for the selected city, including featured tours like 'Discover the Wonders of India' or 'Dive into the Land of the Pharaohs'.
  • Select a tour that interests you, and tap on 'Start Tour' to begin.
  • Follow the GPS-based step-by-step navigation provided by Guider to explore the city.
Step 5: Utilize Exciting Insights & Insider Tips
  • During your tour, tap on highlighted attractions for additional details.
  • Read the provided background information, historical facts, and insider tips for each location.
  • Take note of any recommendations or local legends to enhance your exploring experience.
Step 6: Stay Up-to-Date with New Content
  • Regularly check the 'New Tours' section in Guider to discover freshly added tours and content.
  • Enable notifications in the app settings to receive alerts about new destinations and features.
  • Periodically update the Guider app to access the latest improvements and newly released features.
Step 7: Utilize Offline Mode
  • Before starting a tour, go to the tour details page.
  • Locate the 'Download for Offline Use' button and tap it to download the tour content.
  • Ensure you have enough storage space on your iPhone for the downloads.
  • Use the offline mode when exploring areas with limited or no internet access by accessing your downloaded tours.
Step 8: Adjust Settings and Preferences
  • Go to the 'Settings' section in Guider from the main menu.
  • Adjust your preferences, such as language settings and notification preferences.
  • Enable or disable features according to your travel needs.
Step 9: Provide Feedback and Contact Support
  • If you have questions or encounter issues, go to the 'Support' section in the app.
  • Check the FAQs for common inquiries.
  • For further assistance, tap on 'Contact Us' and send an email to the Guider support team.

Guider Frequently Asked Questions

Is Guider Free?

Which devices can I use Guider on?

How many cities are available on Guider?

Which cities are currently available?

In which languages are the tours available?

Are the tours suitable for families with children?

How often are new tours and content added?

Are tickets for attractions required on the tours?

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