ChatTTS is a popular text-to-speech platform with optimized voice generation for dialogue scenarios. It offers natural-sounding voice synthesis, multi-language support, and open-source plans for developers. Its focus on conversation scenarios and commitment to naturalness make it a top choice in the industry.

Feature 1: Multi-language Support
Feature 2: Large Data Training
Feature 3: Dialog Task Compatibility
Feature 4: Open Source Plans
Feature 5: Control and Security

What is Chattts 1?

ChatTTS is a revolutionary text-to-speech platform that has taken the conversational AI world by storm. With over 20K stars on GitHub, ChatTTS is known for its optimized natural voice generation for dialogue scenarios. The website offers a free online demo where users can experience the high-quality and natural-sounding voice synthesis firsthand. Integrating ChatTTS into your browser can enhance your online experience with a conversational AI assistant at your fingertips. The platform's multi-language support, large data training, and compatibility with dialog tasks make it a standout choice for developers and researchers alike.

When it comes to text-to-speech technology, ChatTTS stands out for its exceptional features and ease of use. The platform supports multiple languages, including English and Chinese, making it accessible to a wide range of users. With extensive training on 10 million hours of Chinese and English data, ChatTTS delivers high-quality voice synthesis that is both natural and fluid. Developers can look forward to open-source plans that will further enhance the controllability and security of the models. The platform's commitment to providing a seamless and convenient user experience sets ChatTTS apart from other text-to-speech solutions.

ChatTTS's unique approach to text-to-speech technology sets it apart in the industry. With a focus on dialogue scenarios, ChatTTS offers a specialized voice generation model that is optimized for conversational applications. By training on a vast dataset of Chinese and English speech data, ChatTTS ensures that the synthesized speech is natural and of the highest quality. The platform's plans to release an open-source base model trained on 40,000 hours of data will empower developers and researchers to explore new possibilities in the text-to-speech domain. ChatTTS's commitment to naturalness and customization options make it a top choice for applications requiring personalized voice synthesis.

Chattts 1 Features

Feature 1: Multi-language Support

Multi-language Support is a key feature of ChatTTS that allows users to generate high-quality speech in both English and Chinese. This feature enables ChatTTS to cater to a diverse range of language users and overcome language barriers.
  • To use Multi-language Support, users simply need to input the text they want to convert to speech in either English or Chinese. ChatTTS will then generate natural-sounding speech in the selected language.

Feature 2: Large Data Training

Large Data Training is another essential feature of ChatTTS, where the model has been trained on approximately 10 million hours of Chinese and English data. This extensive training ensures that ChatTTS produces high-quality and natural-sounding voice synthesis.
  • By training on a significant amount of data, ChatTTS learns to capture various speech patterns, intonations, and nuances in both Chinese and English. This training process enhances the overall performance and accuracy of ChatTTS in generating speech.

Feature 3: Dialog Task Compatibility

Dialog Task Compatibility is a specialized feature of ChatTTS that makes it well-suited for handling dialog tasks typically assigned to large language models (LLMs). ChatTTS can generate responses for conversations and provide a more natural and fluid interaction experience when integrated into various applications and services.
  • When integrated into applications, ChatTTS can effectively engage in dialogue tasks, respond to user queries, and maintain a conversational flow. This feature enhances the user experience by creating a more interactive and engaging environment.

Feature 4: Open Source Plans

Open Source Plans is a forward-thinking feature of ChatTTS where the project team aims to release an open-source version of a trained base model. This initiative will empower academic researchers and developers in the community to further study and develop the text-to-speech technology.
  • By open-sourcing a trained base model, the project team promotes collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing within the developer community. This feature encourages experimentation and exploration in the field of text-to-speech technology.

How to Use Chattts 1?

Step 1: Download from GitHub
  • Visit the official GitHub repository of ChatTTS.
  • Click on the 'Code' button to reveal the cloning options.
  • Copy the provided URL for cloning the repository: ``.
  • Open your terminal or command prompt.
  • Execute the command: `git clone` to clone the ChatTTS repository locally.
Step 2: Install Dependencies
  • Ensure that you have Python installed on your machine.
  • Open your terminal or command prompt.
  • Run the command: `pip install torch ChatTTS` to install the necessary packages for ChatTTS.
Step 3: Import Required Libraries
  • Open your preferred Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or text editor.
  • Create a new Python script file.
  • Add the following import statements at the top of your script:
  • ```python
  • import torch
  • import ChatTTS
  • from IPython.display import Audio
  • ```
Step 4: Initialize ChatTTS
  • In your Python script, create an instance of the ChatTTS class:
  • ```python
  • chat = ChatTTS.Chat()
  • ```
  • Load the pre-trained models by adding the following line:
  • ```python
  • chat.load_models()
  • ```
Step 5: Prepare Your Text
  • Define the text you want to convert to speech in your Python script.
  • Replace `<YOUR TEXT HERE>` with your desired text:
  • ```python
  • texts = ["Hello, welcome to ChatTTS!"]
  • ```
Step 6: Generate Speech
  • Use the `infer` method of the ChatTTS instance to generate speech from text.
  • Set the `use_decoder` parameter to `True` to enable the decoder:
  • ```python
  • wavs = chat.infer(texts, use_decoder=True)
  • ```
Step 7: Play the Audio
  • Use the `Audio` class from `IPython.display` to play the generated audio.
  • Set the sample rate to 24,000 Hz and enable autoplay:
  • ```python
  • Audio(wavs[0], rate=24_000, autoplay=True)
  • ```
Step 8: Complete Script
  • Combine all the previous steps into a complete Python script:
  • ```python
  • import torch
  • import ChatTTS
  • from IPython.display import Audio
  • # Initialize ChatTTS
  • chat = ChatTTS.Chat()
  • chat.load_models()
  • # Define the text to be converted to speech
  • texts = ["Hello, welcome to ChatTTS!"]
  • # Generate speech
  • wavs = chat.infer(texts, use_decoder=True)
  • # Play the generated audio
  • Audio(wavs[0], rate=24_000, autoplay=True)
  • ```

Chattts 1 Frequently Asked Questions

How can developers integrate ChatTTS into their applications?

What can ChatTTS be used for?

How is ChatTTS trained?

How does ChatTTS ensure the naturalness of synthesized speech?

Can ChatTTS be customized for specific applications or voices?