ChatTTS is a versatile Text-to-Speech tool known for generating natural voices, supporting multiple languages, and providing easy conversion of text to speech files. With a focus on control, security, and naturalness, ChatTTS stands out in the realm of speech synthesis technology.

Feature 1: Multi-language Support
Feature 2: Large Data Training
Feature 3: Dialog Task Compatibility
Feature 4: Open Source Plans
Feature 5: Control and Security

What is Chattts?

ChatTTS is a cutting-edge Text-to-Speech tool that excels in generating natural voices for conversational scenarios. With its support for multiple languages, extensive data training, and dialog task compatibility, ChatTTS stands out as a versatile and high-quality solution for speech synthesis.

Users of ChatTTS benefit from its easy-to-use interface and the ability to quickly convert text into speech files. The tool's commitment to control, security, and academic collaboration sets ChatTTS apart in the realm of text-to-speech technology, making it a valuable resource for developers and researchers alike.

For those seeking a reliable and customizable text-to-speech solution, ChatTTS offers a unique blend of features designed to meet various application needs. Its upcoming open-source plans and emphasis on naturalness in speech synthesis ensure that ChatTTS remains at the forefront of innovation in the text-to-speech domain.

Chattts Features

Feature 1: Multi-language Support

ChatTTS offers multi-language support, allowing users to generate text-to-speech in both Chinese and English.
  • Users can input text in either Chinese or English to generate natural-sounding speech.
  • The model has been trained on approximately 10 million hours of data in both languages to ensure accurate speech synthesis.

Feature 2: Large Data Training

ChatTTS leverages extensive data training, with approximately 10 million hours of Chinese and English data.
  • The model has been trained on a vast dataset to capture diverse speech patterns and nuances.
  • This training results in high-quality and natural-sounding voice synthesis for various conversational applications.

Feature 3: Dialog Task Compatibility

ChatTTS is optimized for handling dialog tasks typically assigned to large language models (LLMs).
  • The model can generate responses for conversations, providing a natural and fluid interaction experience.
  • It is designed to seamlessly integrate into various applications and services to enhance dialogue scenarios.

Feature 4: Open Source Plans

The ChatTTS project team plans to release an open-source version of the trained base model.
  • By open-sourcing the base model, academic researchers and developers can access and further develop the technology.
  • This initiative aims to promote innovation and collaboration within the text-to-speech community.

How to Use Chattts?

Step 1: Download ChatTTS from GitHub
  • Navigate to the ChatTTS GitHub repository.
  • Click on the 'Code' button.
  • Copy the repository URL:
  • Open your terminal.
  • Clone the repository by typing: git clone
Step 2: Install Dependencies
  • Make sure you have Python installed on your machine.
  • Open your terminal if it's not already open.
  • Install necessary packages using pip by typing: pip install torch ChatTTS
Step 3: Import Required Libraries
  • Open your preferred code editor or IDE.
  • Create a new Python script file.
  • Import the required libraries by adding the following lines to your script:
  • import torch
  • import ChatTTS
  • from IPython.display import Audio
Step 4: Initialize ChatTTS
  • In your script, create an instance of the ChatTTS class by adding: chat = ChatTTS.Chat()
  • Load the pre-trained models by adding: chat.load_models()
Step 5: Prepare Your Text
  • Define the text you want to convert to speech.
  • In your script, add the following line, replacing '<YOUR TEXT HERE>' with your desired text: texts = ["<YOUR TEXT HERE>",]
Step 6: Generate Speech
  • Use the infer method to generate speech from the text by adding the following line to your script: wavs = chat.infer(texts, use_decoder=True)
Step 7: Play the Audio
  • Use the Audio class from IPython.display to play the generated audio.
  • Add the following line to your script to play the audio: Audio(wavs[0], rate=24_000, autoplay=True)
Step 8: Complete Script
  • Here is the complete script for your reference:
  • ```python
  • import torch
  • import ChatTTS
  • from IPython.display import Audio
  • # Initialize ChatTTS
  • chat = ChatTTS.Chat()
  • chat.load_models()
  • # Define the text to be converted to speech
  • texts = ["Hello, welcome to ChatTTS!",]
  • # Generate speech
  • wavs = chat.infer(texts, use_decoder=True)
  • # Play the generated audio
  • Audio(wavs[0], rate=24_000, autoplay=True)
  • ```

Chattts Frequently Asked Questions

How can developers integrate ChatTTS into their applications?

What can ChatTTS be used for?

How is ChatTTS trained?

Does ChatTTS support multiple languages?

What kind of data is used to train ChatTTS?