ChatLLM is a leading AI platform offering AI agents, forecasting tools, anomaly detection, and ML Ops services. It enables users to seamlessly embed advanced AI capabilities to drive ROI and achieve business goals effectively.

Feature 1: ChatLLM AI Agents
Feature 2: ChatLLM Custom ChatGPT

What is Chatllm?

ChatLLM is a cutting-edge AI platform that enables users to effortlessly embed cutting-edge AI in their applications. With ChatLLM, users can build ChatGPT-based AI agents, fine-tune LLMs, and orchestrate complex LLM apps at scale. The platform leverages generative AI and other novel neural net techniques to build applied AI systems that drive ROI.

The ChatLLM platform offers a wide range of products, including AI agents, forecasting and planning tools, marketing and sales AI solutions, anomaly detection capabilities, language AI services, vision AI features, discrete optimization tools, predictive modeling options, and personalization AI solutions. With ChatLLM, users can drive ROI by leveraging these advanced AI capabilities in their applications.

In addition to its product offerings, ChatLLM also provides LLM + ML Ops services, such as custom fine-tuning of LLMs, model hosting, data pipelines, drift detection, observability, explainability, real-time ML feature stores, and human-AI champion-challenger capabilities. These ML Ops services ensure that users can deploy and manage their AI models effectively and efficiently.

ChatLLM stands out as the world's first AI platform where AI, not humans, build applied AI agents and systems at scale. By using generative AI and other novel neural net techniques, ChatLLM enables users to build LLM apps, gen AI agents, and predictive applied AI systems seamlessly. Users can harness the power of AI to drive results and achieve their business goals effectively.

Chatllm Features

Feature 1: ChatLLM AI Agents

ChatLLM AI Agents in ChatLLM are smart AI agents built using Large Language Models (LLMs). These AI agents are designed to automate tasks, create complex workflows, and interact with users intelligently. The purpose of ChatLLM AI Agents is to enhance efficiency and streamline processes by leveraging advanced language processing capabilities.
  • ChatLLM AI Agents operate by analyzing text inputs, understanding user queries, and responding with relevant information or actions. They can be customized to execute specific tasks, connect to multiple data sources, and create personalized interfaces for users. The agents utilize state-of-the-art LLMs to generate natural language responses and adapt to user interactions.
  • Users can configure workflows, set up automated tasks, and integrate ChatLLM AI Agents into various applications. The agents can engage in dynamic conversations, provide recommendations, and perform tasks based on predefined criteria. ChatLLM AI Agents streamline communication processes and improve user experiences through intelligent interactions.

Feature 2: ChatLLM Custom ChatGPT

ChatLLM Custom ChatGPT in ChatLLM is a feature that allows users to build chatbots based on their knowledge base using the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model. This feature empowers users to create intelligent chatbots that can engage in natural language conversations and provide relevant information to users.
  • ChatLLM Custom ChatGPT operates by fine-tuning the GPT model with user-specific data and prompts, enabling the chatbot to generate responses tailored to the organization's knowledge base. Users can customize the chatbot's vocabulary, tone, and conversational style to align with their brand identity and communication requirements.
  • With ChatLLM Custom ChatGPT, users can orchestrate complex chatbot systems, integrate multiple data sources, and deploy AI-powered conversational agents across various platforms. The feature offers flexibility in designing chatbot workflows, collecting user feedback, and continuously improving the chatbot's performance.

How to Use Chatllm?

Step 1: Creating an Account and Logging In
  • Navigate to ChatLLM's homepage.
  • Click on the 'Log In' button located at the top right corner.
  • If you don't have an account, click on 'Request Access' and fill in the requisite details including your name, organization, role, and email address.
  • Check your email for a confirmation link and click on it to activate your account.
  • Once your account is activated, enter your login credentials and click 'Log In' to access your dashboard.
Step 2: Navigating the Dashboard
  • Upon logging in, you will be directed to the ChatLLM dashboard.
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout which includes sections for 'Products', 'LLM + ML Ops', and more.
  • Hover over each section to explore their sub-categories such as 'AI Agents', 'Forecasting and Planning', 'Anomaly Detection', etc.
Step 3: Starting with ChatLLM Products
  • From the dashboard, click on the 'Products' dropdown menu.
  • Select a product category such as 'ChatLLM', 'AI Agents', 'Forecasting and Planning', etc.
  • For example, choose 'ChatLLM' to start creating a custom ChatGPT based on your knowledge base.
  • Follow the detailed guide provided within each product category to initiate and configure your AI solutions.
Step 4: Building AI Agents
  • Navigate to the 'AI Agents' section from the 'Products' dropdown.
  • Click on 'Build AI Agents' to start the process.
  • Follow the instructions to create smart AI agents using LLMs by mixing and matching multiple LLMs, vector stores, and connecting multiple data sources.
  • Set up automated workflows by defining tasks and integrating various data inputs to customize your AI agent.
Step 5: Using Forecasting and Planning Tools
  • Click on the 'Forecasting and Planning' under ‘Products’.
  • Select specific forecasting tools like 'Demand Forecasting' or 'Real-Time Forecasting'.
  • Input your data as per the tool’s requirements to generate forecasts.
  • Use the detailed guides available to interpret the forecasting metrics and leverage them for your business planning.
Step 6: Utilizing Marketing and Sales AI
  • Go to the 'Marketing and Sales AI' section from the 'Products' dropdown.
  • Choose tools like 'Predictive Lead Scoring' or 'Personalized Promotions'.
  • Upload or connect your marketing and sales data.
  • Configure the tool to analyze customer behavior, predict leads, or personalize promotions.
  • Review the output to optimize your marketing strategies and improve sales efficiency.
Step 7: Implementing Anomaly Detection
  • Select 'Anomaly Detection' from the 'Products' dropdown menu.
  • Opt for a specific tool such as 'Time Series Anomaly Detection' or 'Event Stream Anomaly Detection'.
  • Input your data streams and configure the settings to start monitoring anomalies.
  • Use the visual insights provided by ChatLLM to identify and address unusual patterns in your data.
Step 8: Exploring Vision AI Capabilities
  • Navigate to 'Vision AI' under 'Products'.
  • Choose among tools available like 'Image Classification' or 'Object Detection'.
  • Upload your image data for analysis.
  • Adjust settings to classify or detect objects within your images using hybrid models.
  • Review and utilize the AI-generated insights to enhance your visual data analytics.
Step 9: Fine-Tuning Language AI
  • Click on 'Language AI' in the 'Products' dropdown.
  • Select the desired tool such as 'Text extraction and classification' or 'Sentiment Analysis'.
  • Input the necessary textual data for processing.
  • Configure parameters to tune the AI model for better accuracy.
  • Analyze the output for text classification, NLP-powered search, or sentiment insights and apply them to your projects.
Step 10: Managing ML Ops and Real-Time Feature Store
  • Explore the 'LLM + ML Ops' section from the 'Products' dropdown.
  • Select tools like 'Data Connectors', 'Vector Stores', or 'Real-Time Feature Store'.
  • Set up connections to your data sources to enable real-time data streaming.
  • Configure and manage pipelines for ML models and AI agents.
  • Use the monitoring and drift tracking features to maintain AI model accuracy over time.

Chatllm Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChatLLM?

What can I do with ChatLLM?

How can ChatLLM help in Marketing and Sales AI?

Can ChatLLM be customized for specific use cases?