Beatwave is a revolutionary music video creation tool for artists and musicians, offering customizable audio visualizer templates and easy publishing to social media. It provides advanced features for a one-time cost of $37, making it a cost-effective solution for music marketing.

Feature 1: Dynamic Audio Visualiser Video (Beatwave)
Feature 2: Automatic Beatwave Engine (Beatwave)
Feature 3: Done For You 'Auto' Music Video Templates (Beatwave)

What is Beatwave?

Beatwave is a revolutionary tool for musicians, beatmakers, and artists looking to create stunning music videos with ease. With Beatwave, users can turn their audio tracks into captivating visualizers in just a few clicks, helping them grow their fanbase and stand out in the competitive music industry. The platform offers a wide range of dynamic audio visualizer templates, known as 'beatwaves', that can be customized to match the user's branding and style. By utilizing Beatwave's Automatic Beatwave Engine, users can effortlessly create professional music videos in less than 60 seconds, saving time and boosting productivity. The platform also provides access to a library of 'Auto' music video templates designed to make the user's music visually pop and engage their audience.

One of the key features of Beatwave is its powerful customization editor, which allows users to personalize their music videos by adding their own brand colors, artwork, imagery, text, and much more. With the ability to fully customize the equalizer style in various ways, users can create unique and eye-catching visualizers that help them connect with their audience and grow their fanbase. Beatwave offers a seamless user experience, with the option to publish music videos directly to any social media platform without leaving the app. Additionally, Beatwave is web-based and mobile optimized, enabling users to create music videos on the go and share them instantly with their followers.

In terms of value, Beatwave provides users with access to advanced video technology, professionally crafted music video templates, and a powerful customization editor, all for a one-time cost of $37. With a total value of $3,291, Beatwave offers a highly cost-effective solution for artists and creators looking to enhance their music marketing efforts. The platform's low cost of admission, combined with a 30-day money-back guarantee, makes it a risk-free investment for musicians and beatmakers seeking to elevate their music business. Join Beatwave now and experience the power of dynamic audio visualizers for yourself!

Beatwave Features

Feature 1: Dynamic Audio Visualiser Video (Beatwave)

The Dynamic Audio Visualiser Video, or Beatwave, is a powerful tool for musicians, beatmakers, and artists to create captivating music videos quickly and easily. It allows users to turn their audio tracks into visually stunning music videos that can help grow their fanbase and attract more listeners.
  • Users can choose a Beatwave template from a variety of options.
  • They can upload their track to Beatwave for automatic tracking of music to the visualizer.
  • Users can customize the Beatwave to their liking by adding their own brand colors, artwork, imagery, text, and more.
  • Once customized, users can simply hit the 'Create' button to generate the music video.
  • The entire process can be completed in less than 60 seconds, without the need for complex software or technical skills.

Feature 2: Automatic Beatwave Engine (Beatwave)

The Automatic Beatwave Engine is a proprietary video technology that powers the creation of personalized music videos with minimal effort. It simplifies the video creation process and ensures high-quality results without the need for extensive editing or filming.
  • Utilizes advanced video technology to automatically sync music tracks with visualizers for seamless integration.
  • Eliminates the need for manual tweaking of every video, saving time and streamlining the creation process.
  • Enables users to create fully personalized music videos with little to zero effort, thanks to the complex yet user-friendly technology.
  • Provides a fast and efficient way to generate engaging music videos that accurately represent the quality of the music.

Feature 3: Done For You 'Auto' Music Video Templates (Beatwave)

The 'Auto' Music Video Templates provided by Beatwave offer users a wide selection of professionally crafted templates designed to make their music visually striking and engaging. These templates save users time and effort by providing pre-designed layouts that can be easily customized to suit their style and brand.
  • Instantly access a variety of 'Auto' Music Video Templates tailored for beats, songs, and artists of all kinds.
  • Choose from a diverse range of templates that have been professionally designed to enhance the visual appeal of music videos.
  • Utilize templates that are continually updated to ensure videos always look fresh and up-to-date.
  • Customize templates with ease by adding personal branding elements, artwork, text, and more to create unique and captivating music videos.

How to Use Beatwave?

Step 1: Choose a Beatwave Template
  • Navigate to the Beatwave website.
  • Log in to your account or create a new one if you don’t have an account.
  • Browse through the extensive collection of Beatwave templates available.
  • Select a template that suits the style and vibe of your music.
Step 2: Upload Your Track
  • On the selected template’s page, locate the upload option.
  • Click on the upload button to open the file selector.
  • Choose the audio track from your device that you wish to use in the Beatwave visualizer.
  • Confirm the upload and wait for Beatwave to process and sync your audio track with the visualizer.
Step 3: Customize Your Beatwave Video
  • Use the intuitive design tools provided by Beatwave to personalize your video.
  • Adjust the visualizer’s colors, add effects, and customize the equalizer styles to match your brand.
  • Add any additional elements such as text, artwork, or images to enhance the visual appeal.
  • Preview the changes in real-time to ensure your video looks professional and captivating.
Step 4: Create and Save Your Beatwave Video
  • Once you are satisfied with the customization, hit the ‘Create’ button.
  • Allow a few moments for Beatwave to generate the final video.
  • Review the completed video to ensure everything is as per your expectations.
  • Save the video file to your device or directly to your Beatwave account for easy access.
Step 5: Publish Your Beatwave Video
  • Navigate to your saved videos in your Beatwave account.
  • Select the video you wish to publish on social media.
  • Use the sharing options to directly publish the video to your desired social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.
  • Add any necessary captions or tags to your post to maximize reach and engagement.
Step 6: Join the Beatwave Community
  • Discover the community section on Beatwave where artists and musicians share their creations.
  • Engage with other creators by commenting on and liking their videos.
  • Share your own visualized tracks to inspire and connect with fellow artists.
  • Participate in discussions and exchange creative ideas within the Beatwave community.

Beatwave Pricing

  • Lifetime Deal

    Pay just once and create unlimited music visualizers forever.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Automatic Beatwave Engine ($997 Value)

    Done For You 'Auto' Music Video Templates ($1,997 Value)

    Powerful Customization Editor ($297 Value)

    Unlimited Creations

    No Watermarks

    Upload Your Own Images & Artwork

    Customize Text, Colors & Styles

    Create Landscape, Square Or Vertical Videos

    Perfect For All Social Channels

    30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Beatwave Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create music videos with Beatwave?

Can I customize my music videos on Beatwave?

What makes Beatwave stand out from other music video creation tools?

Is Beatwave suitable for all types of artists and musicians?

How can Beatwave help me grow my music business?