Adsby revolutionizes digital advertising with AI-driven platform, offering free tools, user-friendly interface, and AI co-pilot for improved ROI. Join 3,000+ businesses for better campaign results. Boost efficiency and grow your business with Adsby today.

Adsby AI Co-Pilot for Google Ads
Free AI Ad Text Generator
AI Marketing Assistant

What is Adsby?

Adsby is revolutionizing the world of digital advertising with its AI-driven platform. From beginners to seasoned professionals, Adsby caters to all levels of expertise, making marketing easy and smart. With Adsby, creating, analyzing, and scaling Google search ads has never been more efficient. The platform offers free tools like the AI ad text generator, keyword generator, and ad generator, empowering businesses to maximize their advertising efficiency. With Adsby's user-friendly interface, setting up and managing campaigns is a breeze, ensuring a seamless and powerful advertising journey. Unlock the full potential of your Google Ads with Adsby and experience unparalleled results in your digital marketing efforts.

Join the ranks of over 3,000 businesses that have already signed up for Adsby's free trial and experienced up to 5 times better results in their advertising campaigns. With Adsby's AI co-pilot at your side, you can improve your ROI with intelligent strategies designed to maximize your return on ad spend. Fine-tune your campaigns with weekly optimizations, AI-generated keyword suggestions, and ad content creation in seconds. Adsby empowers you to create multilingual ads, connect with customers worldwide, and reach your target audience with precision targeting. Start your success story with Adsby today and elevate your advertising efficiency to grow your business like never before.

Embark on a seamless Google advertising journey with Adsby's step-by-step guide. Set clear goals, receive high-impact keyword suggestions, create compelling ad content, and reach the right audience with precise targeting. With Adsby's auto bidding feature, easy budget control, and campaign timing suggestions, optimizing your ad spend and improving campaign performance has never been easier. Ask Adsby's AI-driven support assistant anything, and get instant answers and actionable insights to enhance your marketing strategy. Experience the future of effortless and effective advertising with Adsby as your AI marketing partner.

Adsby Features

Adsby AI Co-Pilot for Google Ads

The Adsby AI Co-Pilot for Google Ads is a revolutionary feature that transforms Google search ads for businesses striving for growth and efficiency. By leveraging AI technology, this feature creates, analyzes, and scales your ads for impactful results.
  • With the Adsby AI Co-Pilot, businesses can automate the process of creating and optimizing Google search ads.
  • The AI technology analyzes data to identify high-impact keywords and craft compelling ad content in seconds.
  • Users can scale their ads efficiently with the help of the AI Co-Pilot, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

Free AI Ad Text Generator

The Free AI Ad Text Generator offered by Adsby is a powerful tool that allows users to create ad texts for Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter in seconds.
  • Users can simply input their desired ad message and let the AI Ad Text Generator craft compelling ad content in a flash.
  • The tool streamlines the ad creation process, turning users' visions into reality with speed and efficiency.
  • Engage with customers worldwide like never before by leveraging the Multi Language Ad Creation feature, which empowers ads to be created in 100+ languages.

AI Marketing Assistant

The AI Marketing Assistant provided by Adsby is a voice-enabled AI assistant that offers instant answers to all your marketing questions in any language.
  • Users can rely on the AI Marketing Assistant for real-time support and actionable insights, making marketing tasks easier and more efficient.
  • The assistant can assist with a wide range of marketing queries, offering guidance and recommendations based on AI algorithms and data analysis.
  • Experience the future of effortless and effective marketing with the AI Marketing Assistant, enabling users to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

How to Use Adsby?

Step 1: Getting Started with Adsby
  • Visit the Adsby website: [Adsby](
  • Click on the 'Start Your Free Trial' button prominently displayed on the homepage
  • Follow the prompts to create your account by providing necessary details such as your email address, business name, and password
  • Verify your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your inbox
Step 2: Defining Your Campaign Objectives
  • Log in to your Adsby account using your credentials
  • Navigate to the 'Campaigns' section on the dashboard
  • Click on 'Create New Campaign'
  • Define your campaign objectives such as increasing website traffic, enhancing brand visibility, or boosting sales
  • Use Adsby's AI suggestions to ensure your objectives align with your business targets
Step 3: Generating Keywords for Your Campaign
  • In the campaign setup, proceed to the 'Keywords' section
  • Utilize Adsby's AI Keyword Generator tool by clicking 'Generate Keywords'
  • Input relevant information about your business and products/services
  • Review the list of AI-generated keywords and select those that best match your campaign objectives
  • Save the selected keywords to your campaign
Step 4: Creating Compelling Ad Content
  • Move to the 'Ad Content' section in your campaign setup
  • Click on 'Create Ad Content'
  • Use Adsby's AI Ad Text Generator to craft your ad text
  • Provide any required details such as your business name, unique selling points, and call-to-action phrases
  • Review and edit the AI-generated ad content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice
  • Save the content once satisfied
Step 5: Setting Up Advanced Targeting
  • In the same campaign setup, head over to the 'Targeting' section
  • Click on 'Advanced Targeting Options'
  • Use Adsby's AI-driven recommendations to identify and set your ideal customer profiles
  • Adjust targeting parameters like geographic location, demographics, and user interests
  • Ensure your chosen targeting parameters align with your campaign objectives
Step 6: Optimizing Ad Spend with Auto Bidding
  • Navigate to the 'Budget and Bidding' section in the campaign setup
  • Select the 'Auto Bidding' option to enable AI-driven bid optimization
  • Set your daily or total campaign budget
  • Review and confirm Adsby's suggested bid strategy that aims to maximize your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
Step 7: Scheduling Your Ads for Maximum Engagement
  • Proceed to the 'Ad Scheduling' section
  • Click on 'Schedule Ads'
  • Use Adsby's AI suggestions to identify the best times to post your ads for maximum engagement
  • Set the start and end dates, as well as specific time slots for your ads to run
  • Save your ad schedule
Step 8: Launching Your Campaign
  • Review all campaign details to ensure everything is set correctly
  • Click on 'Launch Campaign'
  • Adsby’s AI will continually monitor and optimize your campaign for peak performance
  • Use the 'Smart Reporting' feature to track your campaign's progress in real-time
Step 9: Ongoing Optimization and Support
  • Regularly check your campaign performance under the 'Campaigns' tab on Adsby
  • Utilize weekly optimization suggestions provided by Adsby’s AI to fine-tune your ads
  • If you have any questions, use the 'Ask Me Anything' AI support assistant for instant answers

Adsby Pricing

  • Launch

    Ideal for small businesses and startups just beginning their journey in digital ads, offering the essentials to get their Google Search Ads off the ground.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    1 Ad Account

    AI Ad Creation

    AI Keywords Generation

    AI Ad Copy Generation

    Smart Reporting

    AI Search Terms Optimization

    AI Keyword Generator Tool

  • Growth

    Suited for businesses that have seen some success and are looking to increase their market presence, refine their targeting, and improve ad performance.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Everything in Launch Plan

    AI New Keyword Suggestion

    Existing Campaign Optimization

    AI Ad Content Optimization

    Time Based Optimization

    AI Bidding

Adsby Frequently Asked Questions

How does Adsby ease Google search advertising?

Can I cancel my Adsby subscription at any time?

Does Adsby offer a Free Trial?

What benefits does Adsby provide?

Who is Adsby ideal for?